- Mar 20 2011

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Clues Answers
''Not to mention . . .'' ALSO
''Simpsons'' kid LISA
''The Chinese Parrot'' sleuth CHAN
''Wall Street'' notion GREEDISGOOD
440 yards, at times LAP
Actress Hathaway ANNE
Air on TV SHOW
Airer of NBA games ESPN
Almanac page MAP
Authentic REAL
Bagpipers' toppers TAMS
Barely audible FAINT
Baseball star's nickname AROD
Begetting SIRING
Ben Franklin adage TIMEISMONEY
Bible distributor GIDEON
Breakfast roll BAGEL
Bring up REAR
British noble BARON
Cabo San Lucas cash PESO
Choice word ELSE
City in Tuscany PISA
Confucian principle TAO
CPR expert EMT
Cul-de-__ SAC
Danish seaport ODENSE
Data-entry acronym GIGO
Debt avoider's maxim CASHISKING
Deck treatments STAINS
Director Lee ANG
Doe's partner STAG
Driver's lic., et al. IDS
Dude BRO
Encouraged, with ''on'' EGGED
Exchange barbs SPAR
Fades away EBBS
Fictional Frome ETHAN
Filling to the brim SATING
First word of ''Cheek to Cheek'' HEAVEN
First-year player ROOKIE
Fish story LIE
Fortune 500 oil company HESS
From the top AGAIN
Gary's home: Abbr. IND
General Sherman quote WARISHELL
Genetic initials RNA
Give the impression SEEM
Gives comfort to SOOTHES
Gooey clump BLOB
GPS reading ENE
Greek alphabet ender OMEGA
Group to hang out with FRIENDS
Gush out SPEW
Gutter locale EAVE
Hawaiian port HILO
Helper, for short ASST
Ill at ease EDGY
Judo uniforms GIS
Kemo __ SABE
Laundry challenge GREASE
Left on a map DUEWEST
Li'l Abner's creator CAPP
Librarian's line, perhaps SILENCEISGOLDEN
Like some campus walls IVIED
Little troublemaker IMP
Lodge members ELKS
Marine in a '60s sitcom PYLE
Memorable Dracula LUGOSI
Mice, to owls PREY
Middle of Caesar's boast VIDI
Minimalist's motto LESSISMORE
Clues Answers
Modest eateries BISTROS
Mortise mates TENONS
Name in fine china SPODE
Neutrogena rival OLAY
Nintendo competitor SEGA
Odds-taker's assent ITSABET
Part of a plan STEP
Physique, for short BOD
Piece of the action SHARE
Place for a carnation LAPEL
Plays the part of ACTSAS
Poison oak's family SUMACS
Poles in Highland Games CABERS
Pop singer from Nigeria SADE
Prefix for mural INTRA
Pub serving ALE
Putting to work USING
Quakes in one's boots COWERS
Quartz variety AGATE
Rainbow section HUE
Red color CERISE
Removal of restrictions, informally DEREG
Reply to a braggart TALKISCHEAP
Retouches third base, perhaps TAGSUP
Rocketeers' org. NASA
Rose Bowl scores TDS
Salk contemporary SABIN
Sat for a shot POSED
Saying coined by Shakespeare LOVEISBLIND
Scandinavian capital OSLO
Second-quality, as mdse. IRR
See eye to eye AGREE
Seer's reading PALM
Senior member DEAN
Short on customers SLOW
Slapstick ammo PIES
Slip into DON
Spacewalk, to 113 Down EVA
Spanish snacks TAPAS
Stan's pal in old films OLLIE
Steak selection TBONE
Stops up DAMS
Strong-willed IRON
Supped in style DINED
Surfers' mecca WAIKIKI
Swelled head EGO
Tach letters RPM
Take baby steps TODDLE
Tampers (with) MESSES
That is, to Tacitus IDEST
Thousand-island alternative ITALIAN
Tomato variety ROMA
Totally pointless INANE
Town crier's cry ALLISWELL
Trial attorney Melvin BELLI
Tummy trouble AGITA
Two-legged stand BIPOD
Uncomplicate EASE
Unexpected obstacle SNAG
Unspecified people ONES
US Open tennis stadium ASHE
Was in the hole OWED
Weasel out RENEGE
Weather in Genesis 7 RAIN
Weigh-station visitor SEMI
Whip up CREATE
Whole bunch SLEW
Wolfed down ATE
Yacht spot BASIN
Your, of yore THINE