The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 3,139 - Sep 28 2023

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Clues Answers
Actor playing lead part of Benjamin Disraeli IDRISELBA
Almost choke policeman with electronic spying device PERISCOPE
Assuming papers reckon this is how current events may occur? TIDALLY
Conclusively proving Kermit's head is inspired by green lizard GECKO
Content of retro pornographic material that won't cause any reaction ARGON
Cycling Indonesian island with sailor and a character connected to scores of thieves ALIBABA
Demure actress taught Fonda Stanislavski method last of all STAID
Engineers backing American boy losing a stone EMERALD
Family member recalled complaint about film STEPMUM
Frenzied mass hysteria with power cut MANIC
In audition spills the beans -- and other vegetables LEEKS
In Strasbourg I must pursue European court to get discharge EJECT
Kept going in sea, swimming with nudist SUSTAINED
Letter from Musk having acquired revolutionary internet business EPSILON
Maybe Batman and Raven somehow trapped by Hush SERVANT
Most relaxed -- some have a siesta EASIEST
Clues Answers
Old record of eternal damnation being embodied by fire without end SHELLAC
One might employ hands to swab black eye sported by captive SHIPOWNER
One works tirelessly as this writer pens a feature MACHINE
Order girl into taxi -- perhaps for officer COMMISSAR
Pardon my French -- it's trashy essentially when at sea AMNESTY
Periodically react to lap dance on the counter -- or similar COGNATE
Release and trim cast protecting bones broken by husband CATHARSIS
Sample passata regularly in Trieste on vacation TASTE
Sensible soldier visiting pub LOGICAL
Singular butcher's talent SKILL
Slave admitting work uniform's missing -- it's on a bed TOPSOIL
Some food and cool drink outside, thanks CHIPOLATA
Speech from management after forfeiting games ORATION
Swimmer drains first drink MILKSHAKE
These guards aren't all there! EUNUCHS
Title role oddly turns out to be smaller LITTLER