The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 9297

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Clues Answers
Afternoon nap SIESTA
Breed of retriever LABRADOR
Buoyant AFLOAT
Conducted a political campaign Electioneered
Correct, appropriate PROPER
Divided into two equal parts HALVED
Glutinous, sticky VISCID
Gobbledegook GIBBERISH
In a feeble manner WEAKLY
Issue of a periodical EDITION
Knight’s title SIR
Looked after (a child) baby-sat
Clues Answers
Most scarce RAREST
Musical instruction to play slowly LENTO
Not many FEW
Pack animal beast of burden
Pertaining to stars ASTRAL
Pocket timepiece fob watch
Possible to obtain GETTABLE
Russian abstract artist KANDINSKY
Shrub of the genus Rhododendron AZALEA
State of having not consumed alcohol SOBRIETY
Unused parts SPARES