The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic No 28524

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Clues Answers
A tiny girl's furious complaint LARYNGITIS
African animal returned to eat kill, cause of downfall UNDOING
Band of commandos with horse SASH
Beaming head off, do well at golf in the morning AGLEAM
Business processing pilchards and hens ships chandler
Companion and I about to stop Gypsy reading palms CHIROMANCY
Dream of clock perhaps on top of abbey CHIMERA
Eminent detective used insight at work DISTINGUISHED
Engagement’s beginning with flash rock EMO
Extremely eager dog restrained by gracious Queen's lead MERCURY
Finally putting spotlight on boy vocalist SONGSTRESS
Honourable silence socially acceptable in part of Japan HONSHU
Hopeful when Private Eye published second of stories ASPIRANT
I get in mood ridiculously early in good time
In arrears, graduate banker is at last jailed behind bars
Clues Answers
Leaders of agricultural co-ops are introducing berry from Brazil ACAI
Led journalist to the back of Poe's house USHERED
Most cosy and intimate around noon SNUGGEST
Nation raising tax on 50 per cent of realty ERITREA
Nightmares including tumbril on a regular basis INCUBI
Old lady extremely cold in buff NANKEEN
Pair of oafs each hiding baby's first toy yo-yo
Ponder something of conundrum in a text RUMINATE
Registered grand French monarch sun king
Repetition that is catching start of hypnotic state ITERANCE
Spoil sleeve when cycling MAR
Sums up case of Alfred Dreyfus's framing ADDS
Time to enter cell — it's free of charge NEUTRON
Unruly passenger blocked by old VIPs PERSONAGES
Wild kid, full of spirit RAGING