L.A. Times Daily - Jan 8 2011

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Clues Answers
"Don't waste your time" ITSUSELESS
Actress Anderson LONI
Aspect FACET
Automotive innovation that improved fuel economy RADIALTIRE
Being supportive ATYOURSIDE
Biweekly tide NEAP
Boxes of calendars? DAYS
Builder's truckload FILL
Cause of senselessness ANESTHESIA
Churches with carillons don't need one BELLRINGER
City on the RhГґne LYON
Code subject DRESS
Court records ACTA
Cruising ASEA
Dash PEP
Dodge RUSE
Driving aids TEES
Early exile CAIN
Extend one's stay LINGER
Film for which Warren Beatty won a Best Director Oscar REDS
Fleece CLIP
Floral gifts LEIS
Foolishness INANITY
Fountain contemporary HIRT
French 101 verb ETRE
Frequent taster CHEF
Front borders ENEMYLINES
Go astray ERR
Got ready for a big date PRIMPED
Guilty and more PLEAS
Having no play TAUT
High school math calculations AREAS
Is in session SITS
Clues Answers
It purrs when it's cared for ENGINE
Japanese financial market inits. TSE
Juice carriers WIRES
Mixed condiment GARLICSALT
Motel convenience ICEMACHINE
Mother in Calcutta TERESA
Mountain West Conference athlete UTE
Mrs. Calabash's creator DURANTE
Nick Saban's team, familiarly BAMA
Ninnies SIMPS
One fighting something ANTI
Opalescent gems MOONSTONES
Peabody relative EMMY
Perfected HONED
Pride of country music CHARLEY
Push, in a way SELL
Quicker picker-uppers? STIMULANTS
Raid targets PESTS
Shrink-wraps, e.g. SEALSUP
Spot remover, at times SPONSOR
Sputnik coverer TASS
Stepped on it, with "up" SPEEDED
Surfing equipment MODEMS
Thames landmark ETON
Trip interruptions FLATS
Unlikely hero WIMP
Visibly moved INTEARS
Warbucks's charge ANNIE
What fans do CLAP
Where guests may be ticked off? LIST
Workbench item VISE
Worker with many keys VALET