Irish Times (Crosaire) - Feb 25 2023

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Clues Answers
Angry northerner removed lattice round the edges that created diamond pattern //
Branch to which Umbrian occasionally returns //
Demure member claims outer layers aren't needed in this city //
Enemy of one on all sides today, perhaps, has a keen eye //
Fantastic haystack mentioned in this material //
First create binding rule that names weapon of 31 across //
First two Italians nuke gnocchi, making a mess and then getting cold feet //
Fraudulent work was sent back, gaining nothing and got them into a lather //
Group of countries involved in review of protocol basically //
Having terrible click in neck he tells them all the end is nigh //
Heard back from them concerning reinforcing layer //
Heartlessly shot amazing animal //
Housekeeper fumed about pervasive smell //
Idle ref irritated defensive player //
In short editor left it untouched though surprisingly lacking in refinement //
Leader suppressed temper originally //
Marx brother sends back negative response that was barbed and pointed //
Medic gave an informal yes - do this after washing //
Members of pecking order will follow nobleman but only do it after they've come out of their shells //
Clues Answers
Model philandered with discreet soothsayer there //
Nuisance repels sahib secretly by raising this //
Often seen alongside hardy shrub //
One might trick them with little symbol on screen //
Perhaps queue here, only to find last cake is gone and there's nothing left //
Reportedly strands protected animals //
Sandwich supplier gets stick? //
Scold them and haul them up when they trap bird //
She stripped upholstery ruined by birds //
Silver support for dish should remain stable now //
Similarly friend should be given cheques at the centre beforehand //
Sorbet we enjoy eating in the middle //
Those might be used every now and then in extremity //
Tilt something in a particular direction for companion of one who's on all sides today //
To be blunt, don't ever get the French to come over before noon //
To begin with, goes running into nursery with a smile //
US agent supplied with information? //
Would rather cut the first bit and just allude to it //
Young person shows source of water to supplier of breakfast, maybe //