The Guardian - Quiptic crossword No 1,210 - Jan 23 2023

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Clues Answers
Affected home education, including detailed command of language INFLUENCED
Bean curd, tomato and onion for starters suitable for everyone TOFU
Blunder, cutting wrong ties in alarm TERRORISE
Charge to take back Big Bird outfit COSTUME
Churchman's tackling complex issue that's neglected DISUSED
Correct spaces before last word EMEND
Daughter larks around, awfully sozzled DRUNKASALORD
Excitement when going round road to find birds of prey BUZZARDS
Fancy dress ball prevailed upon to include square dancing MASQUERADE
Fish with squirming maggot on line? WHITEBAIT
Fit shelves evenly in loft ATHLETIC
Fruit's ascendant in Siciliano lemonade MELON
Good drive up, taking me to northern border MARGIN
Handmade edges by Irish weaver's a family thing HEIRLOOM
Hanging around's tiring Leo out LOITERING
Clues Answers
Hard time coming back down south to Reading and Maidenhead in a cloudburst THUNDERSTORM
Inform of new books provided over year NOTIFY
Just an organisation for outings JAUNTS
Mounting rush to enter fashion in the clothing industry RAGTRADE
Noteworthy bridge contains a combination of different elements HYBRID
Old man climbing Everest's first to cross summit APEX
Overturned laws barring electronic libel SLUR
Put on clothing article for conditions outside WEATHER
Reasonable having young dogs speaking in children's stories FAIRYTALES
Recluse has more time without golf LONER
Relax, flying a kite followed by drinks at day's end TAKEITEASY
Report sets down formalities RITES
Tiniest note accompanies letter from abroad that's returned MINIMUM
Unexpectedly, 'retain VAR' is in report! NARRATIVE
Unwilling to work, reclined drinking last of fizz LAZY