- Dec 5 2010

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Casual'' dress day: Abbr. FRI
''Chocolate'' dogs LABS
''Chronicles of Narnia'' lion ASLAN
''Fire'' starter PYRO
''Let me rephrase that . . .'' IMEAN
''Quaking'' tree ASPEN
''Salome'' playwright OSCARWILDE
''Some Like It Hot'' star TONYCURTIS
''Sons of the Desert'' star STANLAUREL
''The Sun Also Rises'' star TYRONEPOWER
''__ the picture!'' IGET
'60s controversial comedian LENNYBRUCE
'60s heavyweight champ SONNYLISTON
2/14 flower ROSE
A, as in Athens ALPHA
Act as a lookout, perhaps ABET
Affectionate denial NODEAR
Angora goat's fleece MOHAIR
Art Deco master ERTE
At leisure FREE
Auto racing great Earnhardt DALE
Battlefield aide MEDIC
Blotter stain INK
BMW alternative AUDI
Bottomless pit ABYSS
Bowery Boys film series regular HUNTZHALL
Brunch fare CREPES
Campus honcho DEAN
Catch up to TIE
Chapter of history ERA
Circus venues TENTS
Comical bandleader of yore KYSER
Compensate for OFFSET
Compos mentis SANE
Cowardly Lion player LAHR
Cropped up AROSE
Dangerous reptiles CROCS
Declines, with ''out'' OPTS
Easily fooled NAIVE
Employee hope RAISE
Epitome of class in dance FREDASTAIRE
Etchers' fluids ACIDS
Evenly matched ONETOONE
Experiment TRIAL
Fabled slacker HARE
Family business abbr. BROS
Father-or-son composer Strauss JOHANN
Fellini work, e.g. ARTFILM
Flight board abbr. ARR
Flourless cake TORTE
Former Israeli prime minister SHAMIR
Former Labour leader BLAIR
Gawk at OGLE
GE acquisition of '86 RCA
Gem from Australia OPAL
Gen-__ (boomer's kid) XER
Genesis son SETH
Give the slip to EVADE
Golf practice place RANGE
GPS reading ESE
Greek consonants PHIS
Greek consonants ZETAS
Green gems JADES
Hang in there STAY
Have the role of ARE
Hoedown attendees GALS
Horror-film sound SCREAM
In alignment TRUE
In good physical shape TONED
In-again fashions RETROS
Indy winner Luyendyk ARIE
Interest amt. PCT
Clues Answers
Irritated with SOREAT
Isle off Venezuela ARUBA
It runs from trees SAP
It's a long story SAGA
Joins up ENROLLS
Justice Kagan appointer OBAMA
King of TV talk LARRY
Labor activist Chavez CESAR
Ladled fare STEW
Like a nuisance PESTY
Locket shape OVAL
Lose control SNAP
Lose traction SKID
Lounger's robe CAFTAN
Low point NADIR
Lucille Ball et al. REDHEADS
Ludicrous ANTIC
Makeup mishap SMEAR
Marmalade ingredient RIND
McGregor of ''Star Wars'' films EWAN
Mild cigar CLARO
Mineral in spinach IRON
Naval commando SEAL
NBC correspondent Luke RUSSERT
Nearly unobtainable RARE
Neurologist's ''Now!'' STAT
Nine-digit ID issuer SSA
No longer pristine, maybe STAINED
Noble, in a way DUCAL
Offer one's two cents OPINE
Paraffin-based WAXEN
Photo __ (publicity events) OPS
Pile up AMASS
Pitches in AIDS
Planetarium roof DOME
Playwright Chekhov ANTON
Playwright O'Casey SEAN
Plum fruit SLOE
Porker homes PENS
Prefix for bucks MEGA
Pucker-producing TART
Punctured-tire sound SSS
Pushes forward URGES
Really go for ADORE
Reply to ''That so?'' ITIS
Right to decide SAY
Rock-album cover on which this puzzle's celebrities appear, familiarly SGTPEPPER
Rook's starting place CORNER
Second-quality: Abbr. IRR
Shakespearean sprite ARIEL
Showroom offering SEDAN
Signs of spoilage ODORS
Sleuth Wolfe NERO
Store of riches TROVE
Stores overhead STOWS
Succulent houseplant ALOE
Teapot song starter IMA
The works ALL
Think ahead PLAN
Toots one's own horn BRAGS
Treatment-center goal REHAB
Turned tail RAN
Use a branding iron SEAR
USPS deliveries LTRS
Vaulter's need POLE
Vile, as a villain SLIMY
Way up or down STAIR
Welles' publisher KANE
What ''end'' begins with SHORTE
What a bud may become LEAF
Whitewater rafting site CANYON
Wolfgang Puck eatery SPAGO