The Telegraph - GK CROSSWORD NO: 1,561 - Oct 30 2022

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Clues Answers
'Tales from the --', US horror anthology series CRYPT
2003 biographical comedy drama film starring Leonardo DiCaprio (5,2,2,3,3) CATCHMEIFYOUCAN
Anatomical name for the armpits AXILLAE
Badly treated ILLUSED
Bridge call in which no suit is given preference NOTRUMP
Chemical found in brain tissue DOPAMINE
Cocktail made with vodka and a fruit used to make cider APPLETINI
Egyptian fertility goddess ISIS
English author of 'Tarka the Otter' HENRYWILLIAMSON
Eucharists administered to people in danger of death VIATICA
Form of freehold possession of land in the Northern Isles UDAL
French phrase meaing 'as one unit' ENBLOC
Having no curved bones of the chest RIBLESS
Informal term for a signal on a radar screen identifying an aircraft SQUAWK
Michael --, Conservative MP brought up in Aberdeen GOVE
Clues Answers
Miscreant, miserable person WRETCH
Mont --, Alpine mountain BLANC
Mr --, feline star of the 2000 film 'Meet the Parents' JINX
Multinational sportswear manufacturer ADIDAS
Narrow prudish intolerant conventionality GRUNDYISM
Old word meaning 'afloat' ASWIM
Philistine woman who tricked Samson DELILAH
Program designed to detect and remove malicious software ANTIVIRUS
Sharp witty remarks REPARTEE
Slip used in the game spillikins JACKSTRAW
Sudanese military leader who led a revolt against Egypt in 1881 MAHDI
Taking everything together ABOVEALL
Vessel for carrying mortars at sea BOMBKETCH
Victoria Wood song also known as 'The Ballad of Freda and Barry' LETSDOIT
Waterway connecting the Mediterranean with the Red Sea SUEZCANAL