The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 9054

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Clues Answers
1605 conspirator guy fawkes
Angelic child CHERUB
Arboreal ape orang-utan
Beer container BARREL
Bloodsucking fly TSETSE
Confused noise BABEL
Cut off river loop OXBOW
European country POLAND
Explode blow up
Face covering VEIL
Graph; piece of ground PLOT
Highland musician BAGPIPER
Clues Answers
Large bowl BASIN
Melt into one FUSE
Not reliable; risky DODGY
Ornate baroque style ROCOCO
Raid into enemy territory FORAY
Ready for picking RIPE
Ring fighter WRESTLER
Safe place REFUGE
Shout of delight YIPPEE
Sound reproduction AUDIO
Symmetrical curve HYPERBOLA
Type of reverse somersault BACKFLIP
Warmth and security COSINESS