L.A. Times Daily - Nov 23 2010

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Clues Answers
"ER" actor La Salle ERIQ
"Gross!" ICK
"Just do it" sloganeer NIKE
"Whirled peas" is one PUN
"__ Misérables" LES
1979 Iranian exile SHAH
60-Down spec DCUP
Agreement before marriage PRENUPTIAL
Any of five O-ending brothers MARX
Battleship letters USS
Boxer's maneuver FEINT
Brink EDGE
Calf meat, in Calais VEAU
Capone catchers, familiarly THEFEDS
Catches some rays TANS
Choose OPT
Class ILK
College e-mail address ending EDU
Cooked in 35-Down FRIED
Emotional outburst FIT
Entr'__ ACTE
Especially elegant EXQUISITE
Euro predecessor, in Portugal ESCUDO
Exclusive group seeking old collectibles ANTIQUECLIQUE
Fancy tie material SILK
Go after in court SUE
Heaven on earth EDEN
Henner who played Elaine on "Taxi" MARILU
Heroic deed GEST
Hot temper IRE
Hurled THREW
In inventory ONHAND
Indirect evaluation OBLIQUECRITIQUE
Johannesburg's land: Abbr. RSA
Light brown color ECRU
Lowlife SCUM
Lucky charm AMULET
Clues Answers
Making a walking-in-mud sound SQUISHING
Marina craft YACHT
Mil. supply order REQ
Missouri tributary OSAGE
Most shameful LOWEST
Native Alaskans ALEUTS
Nicht alt NEU
One-named New Age keyboardist YANNI
Ones who take things the wrong way? THIEVES
Opt for a career without the band GOSOLO
Outside-the-box method UNIQUETECHNIQUE
Plaza Hotel pixie ELOISE
Polo Grounds legend Mel OTT
Put up with ABIDE
Roman ending ESQUE
Rotation-causing force TORQUE
Sault __ Marie STE
Seated yoga position LOTUS
See 2-Down OIL
Sheep fats SUETS
Slanted type: Abbr. ITAL
Small sample TASTE
Son of Poseidon TRITON
Spain's El __ CID
St. Louis landmark ARCH
Stories of questionable veracity YARNS
Suffix with weak LING
Tony winner Judith IVEY
Victoria's Secret staple BRA
Visibly embarrassed REDASABEET
Wacky NUTS
Water frozen in mid-drip ICICLE
White House no VETO
With 35-Down, healthful cooking liquid CANOLA
Word-of-mouth ORAL
__ of faith ALEAP