The Times - Cryptic - Times Quick Cryptic No 2251

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Clues Answers
Aquatic bird extremely eager to catch fish EIDER
Beetle or spaniel eating husks, mostly COCKCHAFER
Coming out East, meeting and joining EMERGING
Company doctor introducing old jazz group COMBO
Confront fine fighter pilot FACE
Deprived chap briefly kept by Napoleonic marshal NEEDY
Dog eating primarily minced meat LAMB
Duck found in a road bordering shopping precinct MALLARD
Evil spirit in marshland upset the old BOGEY
Future groom working in café FIANCE
Game created by guerrilla leader’s son CHESS
Girl originally from Hebridean island FIONA
Clues Answers
Keenness more difficult for a Cockney, do we hear? ARDOUR
Luxury food produced by male relative in a vast continent AMBROSIA
Male creature crossing railway, an African antelope ORYX
Merry-go-round a man observed across river CAROUSEL
Metal grill making a rasping sound GRATING
Persuade helmsman to skirt area COAX
Possible home of a French girl in part of East London BUNGALOW
Restless type of female the writer would understand FIDGET
Sheepdog reportedly moves unsteadily, having upset stomach COLLYWOBBLES
Sleepy day arguments ultimately carry DROWSY
Slovenly old nurse left Derby at last, drinking coffee SLATTERNLY
Watering down of grown-up allowance, including wine ultimately ADULTERATION