The Times - Cryptic - Times Quick Cryptic No 2246

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Clues Answers
A rep twice arranged to come back REAPPEAR
A student following doctor in emotive situation DRAMA
Angry words from group of three dividing six pounds VITRIOL
Arena’s redeveloped by large football club ARSENAL
Arrive early to avoid disappointment for guests? make good time
Bad day switching round sink DROOP
Cheese kept in Notre Dame EDAM
Cold bottle of milk, on reflection, is what kitty loves? CATNIP
Collision of new cars preceding hospital CRASH
Girl swimming Loch Fyne’s far end CHLOE
Initially head off a sign of voting fraud HOAX
One apprehending eclipse over rocky hill CAPTOR
Clues Answers
PIN providing on-line security? clothes peg
Previously stuffed by United exactly when expected on cue
Put-up job pinching diamonds: trouble for place of riches el dorado
Rebecca lost a silly sports day contest? obstacle race
Shock as attacked by insect? Not good! STUN
Short test covering four inconsequential facts TRIVIA
Some rubbish in this clue HINT
Sweat resulting from piper’s bungled note PERSPIRE
Swimmer’s temperature taken internally by medic STURGEON
The setter and martial arts star brawl MELEE
Toast is lightly brown across length SALUTE
Younger relative and I tan remarkably in Mediterranean country great-niece