The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 2,929 - Sep 27 2022

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Clues Answers
Announced day English nun died DECLARED
Annoyance among committee of adjudicators INJURY
Annoying thing is involved in subtle difference NUISANCE
Basely confused about lines in segment of speech SYLLABLE
Be present at a motorcycle race finish ATTEND
Blotted from memory second-class old city that is ultimately dead BURIED
Check weather broadcast REIN
Cunningly altering figure TRIANGLE
Detected in-patient's heart beat faster than usual TRACED
Employs stratagems without reason at first USES
Enjoy set articles regularly producing these features NOSTRILS
Expend about pound on one daughter -- very good SPLENDID
Final word in a line TERMINAL
Inheritors pursuing terrain primarily belonging to them THEIRS
It's not fair when this protection is required UMBRELLA
Made structural changes, given warning before shifting over a ton ALTERED
Clues Answers
Make acceptable little brother's room, we're told SELL
Obtain advantage from unusually fine bet BENEFIT
Period intervening in poor sentence MEANTIME
Registers resorts in Texas (not Cuba) ENTERS
Regulated precisely following a draft initially by editor ADJUSTED
Reportedly spill the beans one's bought from the greengrocer LEEK
Ship retiring in hopeless event VESSEL
Some high-level destiny for first-born ELDEST
Steps up tense atmosphere on board ship STAIRS
Surprisingly lucid end made part of set INCLUDED
Tended sick shark beached finally NURSED
Treated with contempt, placed in isolation lacking means essentially INSULTED
Unit of measurement for each gold sovereign EMPEROR
Value of American horse AMOUNT
Withdraws troops on manoeuvres REMOVES
Wrongdoings of naughty children not principally tolerated ERRORS