The Guardian - Quiptic crossword No 1,191 - Sep 12 2022

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Clues Answers
A last letter has girl and English boy describing love in summerhouse GAZEBO
Chauffeur in a limousine's shown place to go URINAL
Cutters with ship going round Ross Island cape capsized SCISSORS
Development happens here when ship enters dead space DARKROOM
Exceptional acceleration in luxury car with electric starter RARE
Fine nights at sea with angling gear FISHINGNET
Frightful rotter makes angry reply RETORT
Heading off unwell during test is crafty TRICKY
Hit on perfect comeback to sweet-talk BUTTERUP
Land in the water when one's left suspended in the middle ISLE
Leaving to collect small women's group, not even mums, to take a dip GOSWIMMING
Lift's free with key RIDE
Little girl's dog carrying lead, oddly comical JOCULAR
Military unit is one of four in southern front that's shelled SQUADRON
Clues Answers
New matador runs around, haphazardly ATRANDOM
Opening ground, authorise ore to be extracted HIATUS
Opposed to profit in a way AGAINST
Patronise lecture by Spooner's municipal party? TALKDOWNTO
Pudding seems not to be cooked ETONMESS
Rashly, leader has point inserted in official record HEADLONG
Sequence of possible events with cranes moving satellite SCENARIO
Tackle occasional roguery with severity RIGOUR
Throw out unknown dignitary WORTHY
Toxic shock after ecstasy is unusual EXOTIC
Try to get to sleep in nobleman's pile, we hear COUNTSHEEP
United holding lead in Championship previously ONCE
Unlocked desperate need to pursue work OPENED
Vicar's upset collecting one pound in coins SILVER