New York Times - Apr 20 2022

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Clues Answers
'Be as you wish to ___': Socrates SEEM
'Later' SEEYA
'Later' BYE
'Murder Mystery' or 'Roaring 'Twenties,' for a party THEME
'O.G. Original Gangster' rapper ICET
'Todo Sobre Mi ___' (1999 Almodóvar film) MADRE
'___ no sin to cheat the devil': Daniel Defoe TIS
'___ queen!' YAS
Actor Elgort of 'Baby Driver' ANSEL
Album makeup SONGS
Angelic, in a way HALOED
Animal that symbolizes good fortune in Chinese culture BAT
Apple consumer with an unhappy story to tell? ADAM
Aptly named N.B.A. M.V.P., in a manner of speaking TIMDUNCAN
Aptly named Olympic sprinter USAINBOLT
Aptly named six-time All-Star first baseman PRINCEFIELDER
Aptly named tennis great MARGARETCOURT
Behind, in England ARSE
Bread with a palindromic name NAAN
Bread: Fr PAIN
Bygone airline with a logo nicknamed the 'Blue Meatball' PANAM
Capture NAB
Children's character who says 'It's not much of a tail, but I'm sort of attached to it' EEYORE
Congratulatory gestures SLAPS
Cry for assistance HELPME
Decided SET
Digging INTO
Div. of the Treasury Department IRS
Epic poem written in dactylic hexameter ILIAD
Event for a Comedy Central special ROAST
Five stars, maybe RATING
Football carriers: Abbr RBS
Give attitude SASS
Gives the nod OKS
Hold up ROB
Instant, as a decision SNAP
Insurance grps HMOS
Clues Answers
It's multifaceted GEMSTONE
Legally prohibit ESTOP
Like some legs and mustaches WAXED
Listen to gossip, in slang SIPTEA
Mist a spot? SPRAY
More than right OBTUSE
Most substantial part MEAT
Mushrooms found in ramen ENOKIS
New England seafood staple SCROD
One who may use the pronoun 'I and I' (meaning God-in-me) RASTA
Org. behind the Artemis program NASA
Painter of 'The Garden of Earthly Delights' BOSCH
Period of work STINT
Plastic ___ Band ONO
Pop star whose name is stylized with an exclamation point in place of its second letter PINK
Puts out light, as a star TWINKLES
Reign RULE
Rudely arrogant SNOTTY
Self-satisfied SMUG
Shake, as a tail LOSE
Shuts up ZIPSIT
Small vortex EDDY
Statistical calculation ERROR
Stick on a rack CUE
Submitted SENTIN
The Cowardly Lion, back in Kansas ZEKE
They allow you to kick back and relax LEGRESTS
Tiny floppy disk, for 'Save' ICON
Unnamed guests PLUSONES
Unreliable sort FLAKE
Use a beam on, as for cutting LASE
What driver's licenses serve as PHOTOIDS
When doubled, excessive TOO
Word before '... wanna go home,' in calypso DAYO
Writer Nin ANAIS
___ strategy EXIT