L.A. Times Daily - May 4 2022

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Clues Answers
"Buzz off!" SHOO
"Delish!" YUMMY
"How was __ know?" ITO
"Never Have I __": Netflix series created by Mindy Kaling and Lang Fisher EVER
"Oh, cry me a river" WAH
"Othello" villain IAGO
"Same here" DITTO
"That's how it's done" SEE
"Un Poco __": song from "Coco" LOCO
Beyoncé's 28 GRAMMYS
Blue-Emu target ACHE
Boaters and bowlers HATS
Brightest star in Cygnus DENEB
Brought a smile to AMUSED
Complete, as a PDF contract ESIGN
Copenhagen's __ Gardens TIVOLI
Deer dad STAG
Denny's rival IHOP
Device that helps a team pull together YOKE
Diamond Head's island OAHU
Dr. Jekyll, to Mr. Hyde IWANTTOBEALONE
Dr. Jekyll, to Mr. Hyde IMBESIDEMYSELF
Dr. Jekyll, to Mr. Hyde YOUAREONMYMIND
Feels remorse about RUES
Folk stories LORE
Get out of Dodge FLEE
Girds (oneself) STEELS
Hourglass figure? TIME
In a daze STUNNED
Italian wine region ASTI
Jai __ ALAI
Kin by marriage INLAW
Knitting need YARN
Lash of old Westerns LARUE
Like audiobooks, once ONCD
Locale SITE
Clues Answers
Make amends ATONE
Make one's case ARGUE
Means of entry WAYIN
Microbe GERM
Mitchell who won a Tony Award for "Hadestown" ANAIS
More of a busybody NOSIER
Mr. Hyde, to Dr. Jekyll ITSNOTYOUITSME
Nerve impulse carrier AXON
No longer cool OUT
Olympic sword EPEE
One close to home? UMP
Ork native MORK
Passion FIRE
Piddling DINKY
Policy that typically includes higher menu prices NOTIPS
Rare and wonderful EXOTIC
Revival meeting cry AMEN
Robert McCloskey's "Blueberries for __" SAL
Roker of "The Jeffersons" ROXIE
Rossi of "Sons of Anarchy" THEO
Rumble in the jungle ROAR
Ruminate (over) MULL
Sailboat's need WIND
Say yes AGREE
Shallowest Great Lake ERIE
Short holiday? XMAS
Slimy pest SLUG
Sock away HOARD
Sun shade? TAN
Supermodel Banks who coined the word "smize" TYRA
Tall shade trees ELMS
Thank the goddesses, e.g PRAY
Trudge PLOD
Vexes, with "at" GNAWS
With no warmth FROSTILY
Word in Hawaiian volcano names MAUNA
Yellowstone grazers ELK