- Mar 20 2022

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Are you __ out?'' INOR
''Believe __ not . . .'' ITOR
''Emma'' novelist AUSTEN
''Follow me'' THISWAY
''__ you done yet?'' ARENT
'70s First Daughter TRICIA
20th-century author/monk Thomas MERTON
755-homer hitter AARON
Aesopian also-ran HARE
Anthem contraction OER
Arm of the sea INLET
Artemis alias DIANA
Artisans' selling site ETSY
Artist Matisse HENRI
Attention-getting CATCHY
Autocorrect target TYPO
Bartender's announcement LASTCALL
Big name in art glass STEUBEN
Book-publishing ID ISBN
Boy of song with an ''awful name'' SUE
BVD alternative HANES
California wine city LODI
Catch a pass RECEIVE
Certain sneeze trigger DUST
Chess side WHITE
Combines MELDS
Contraptions DEVICES
Copycat MIMIC
Course benchmark PAR
Court VIPs DAS
Courtroom break RECESS
Crib sheet user BABE
Cubic __ (faux diamond) ZIRCONIA
Decide on, with ''for'' OPT
DiCaprio, to pals LEO
Dinner from a slow cooker STEW
Diving acronym SCUBA
Donut maneuver DUNK
Elev ALT
Emotional entreaty PLEA
Experience UNDERGO
Extremely softly, in music PPP
Female lobster HEN
Fiddle-comparable ASFIT
Fishtail on the road SKID
Flamboyance ECLAT
For the birds AVIAN
Fuse metal WELD
Great weight HEFT
Greets someone SAYSHI
Groundwork BASIS
Gulf Coast city TAMPA
Haifa hello SHALOM
Has been WAS
Hesitate PAUSE
How commencement caps are made TASSELED
Invented identity ALIAS
Investment firm T. __ Price ROWE
Iron clothing ARMOR
Italia's largest island SICILIA
Jeweler's gadget LOUPE
Just sits around IDLES
Lacy mat DOILY
Layered cookies OREOS
Lighter-than-air element HELIUM
Linked, as oxen YOKED
Little, in Lyons PEU
Lobster's leg count TEN
Machu Picchu builder INCA
Make whole MEND
Clues Answers
Many moons EON
Mediator's skill TACT
Mini- or maxi- PREFIX
Moons and marbles ORBS
Nasal appraisal ODOR
Northwest Pennsylvania city ERIE
Not in the dark AWARE
Novelist Morrison TONI
Nutty dessert PECANPIE
Old-fashioned, as humor CORNY
On point APT
One who's with you ALLY
One with something to lose DIETER
Pakistani language URDU
Parting word ADIEU
Photo, for short PIC
Policy maven WONK
Poorly lit DIM
Potter's medium CLAY
Premium beef ANGUS
Prescription directive ASNEEDED
Provide food to NOURISH
Pulled quickly JERKED
QVC competitor HSN
Rancher's measure ACRE
Rio Grande tributary PECOS
Sailors' patron ELMO
Shoe box spec EEE
Short race DASH
Sidney who directed ''Network'' LUMET
Sierra Club cofounder MUIR
Signs on again REUPS
Skin layer DERMA
Soft shade PASTEL
Some horse races DERBIES
Sound of contentment PURR
Southern reservoir mgr TVA
Sporting tattoos INKED
Sporty Chevys VETTES
Spring is here SCREENDOOR
Spring is here MOUSETRAP
Spring is here HEDGECLIPPER
Spring is here STAPLEGUN
Spring is here WINDUPCLOCK
Spring is here SWITCHBLADE
Spring is here KICKSTAND
Spring is here JACKINTHEBOX
Spring is here HAIRCURLER
St. __ (Caribbean island nation) LUCIA
Steaks and chops MEATS
Stress reliever EASER
Tablelands MESAS
Tailored for GEAREDTO
Tetra- doubled OCTA
The Emerald Isle HIBERNIA
The gamut ATOZ
Thing to climb ROPE
Ties up BINDS
Time sheet nos HRS
To boot ALSO
Took too far OVERDID
Twosome DYAD
Video-sharing site YOUTUBE
Wall art MURAL
Was worthy of EARNED
What flatbreads lack YEAST
With an __ (considering) EYETO
Woman with nieces AUNT
Writer Wiesel ELIE
Zero NIL
__ qua non SINE