- Sep 14 2010

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Clues Answers
And others: Abbr. ETAL
Aroma ODOR
At any time EVER
Beginnings ONSETS
Birthday mail CARDS
Bluegrass instrument BANJO
Bright star NOVA
Burn soother ALOE
Butter alternative OLEO
Cause of sniffles HEADCOLD
Corridors HALLS
Couch SOFA
Defrost THAW
Denver clock setting: Abbr. MST
Digital music player IPOD
Donut center HOLE
Epic tale SAGA
Equip anew REFIT
Fake coin SLUG
Fall bloom ASTER
Faulty firecracker DUD
Foolish mistake BONER
Foreign ALIEN
Freeload MOOCH
Frog's sound CROAK
Frozen cubes ICE
Gracefully slender LITHE
Group of troops UNIT
Harder to find RARER
Home for a king CASTLE
Hoops org. NBA
Humdinger LULU
Immigrant's course: Abbr. ESL
Jazz phrase RIFF
Jazz saxophonist Getz STAN
Jellied garnish ASPIC
Just slightly ABIT
Kid's building block LEGO
Like a bump on __ ALOG
Clues Answers
Line of stitching SEAM
Lions and tigers CATS
Lunchtime, for many NOON
Make off with TAKE
Melody TUNE
Messy one SLOB
Mob scenes RIOTS
Nest-egg initials IRA
Nondescript DRAB
Optimism HOPE
Plant firmly EMBED
Pool player's stick CUE
Pulsate THROB
Reef material CORAL
Rotten BAD
Sandwich filler SALAMI
Shape of the president's office OVAL
Small bill ONE
Split up ENDIT
Stir memories of EVOKE
Suspect's story ALIBI
Synagogue teacher RABBI
Tango or twist DANCE
Teacher's rebuke GETRIDOFTHATGUM
Teacher's rebuke THISISNOTRECESS
Teacher's rebuke DONTRUNINSCHOOL
Terre Haute's state: Abbr. IND
The present TODAY
Ties the knot WEDS
Touched down ALIT
Twig, to a bird PERCH
Underwater craft SUB
Utterly hopeless ABJECT
Vegan staple TOFU
Very much ALOT
Vitamin, for example NUTRIENT
Washer companion DRYER
Wine barrels CASKS
__ and outs INS