New York Times - Nov 26 2021

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Clues Answers
#1 dad? ADAM
"Stay in touch!" DONTBEASTRANGER
10-Down highlight ARIA
8 vis-à-vis 2 CUBE
Aimee ___ McPherson, evangelist behind America's first megachurch SEMPLE
Archer of note ANNE
Banned Books Week org ALA
Best-selling heavy metal band named for a torture device IRONMAIDEN
Big ol' mouth TRAP
Big ol' mouth MAW
Bio subj ANAT
Bit of a character TRAIT
Brushing, e.g DENTALCARE
Bucky in the comic strip "Get Fuzzy," e.g SIAMESECAT
Clear RID
Cocktail tidbit PRAWN
Coin-___ OPS
Desire of a quick study? EASYA
Duo in an ellipse FOCI
Emperor's order in "Star Wars" SITH
Entitled sort LEGALOWNER
Experts in English? POOLSHARKS
Extravagant LAVISH
Fatty tuna in Japanese cuisine TORO
Field AREA
Flashin' Fruit Punch brand HIC
Foe of Wonder Woman ARES
Go down DROP
Goes along with ABIDES
Going from 99 to 100, say ROUNDINGUP
Gone down SUNK
In hot pursuit ONTHESCENT
Intoxicate BESOT
It's flat on a snapback BRIM
Its structure was evidenced by Photo 51, an X-ray captured in 1952 DNA
Labor union offering, perhaps STRIKEPAY
Clues Answers
Like a butterfingers ERRORPRONE
Like angel investors and devil's food cake RICH
Michael who played George Michael Bluth on TV CERA
More than dangerous LETHAL
Not natural MADE
Not sensitive (to) NUMB
Old worker with pads STENO
Onetime chain that offered Free Battery Club memberships RADIOSHACK
Patches up, in a way TAPES
Pine product RESIN
Place underground INTER
Queen's subjects BEES
Register TILL
Release LETGO
See 60-Down IDEA
Senators' org NHL
Several Russian czars IVANS
Sharp, in a way TART
Small headache PEST
Stay good KEEP
Strauss work with the "Dance of the Seven Veils" SALOME
Subjects of a certain sultanate OMANIS
The art of politics? PROPAGANDA
They might be gathered by the pound DOGS
Three for a trey: Abbr PTS
Trail PATH
TV character who said "I am so smart! I am so smart! S-M-R-T!" HOMER
Viscera OFFAL
Vulnerable newcomers, in slang FRESHMEAT
Was aware KNEW
What you might unthinkingly be on AUTO
Where to get money in Milano BANCA
With 66-Across, "Good thinking!" NEAT
You shouldn't do this NONO
___ Yaga (folklore villain) BABA