Universal - Nov 8 2001

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Clues Answers
''--- Believer'' (Monkees) IMA
''Crazy'' singer CLINE
''Daniel Boone'' star Parker FESS
''Do you ___?'' MIND
''Get thee up!'' ARISE
''Heavens to'' woman BETSY
''Idylls of the King'' character ENID
''Just the facts'' follower MAAM
''La Strada'' composer Nino ROTA
''Make do'' amount LESS
''Star Wars'' character HAN
''Thanks ___ so much!'' EVER
''The Last Supper'' name LEONARDO
''Uncle Tom's Cabin'' girl EVA
--- of Man ISLE
128 cubic feet of wood CORD
2004 and 2008 LEAPYEARS
A native-born Israeli SABRA
A resident of the ''Gem State'' IDAHOAN
ABC rival CBS
Aboveboard ETHICAL
Accessory on a rack TIE
Accommodate OBLIGE
Actor Montalban RICARDO
African predator LION
Aggravate IRK
Alfalfa, for one RASCAL
Alley cat STRAY
Altar robes ALBS
Amount left after expenses NET
An organic compound ENOL
Ancient burial stone STELE
Animal enclosure PEN
Animal that beats its chest APE
Anjou valley LOIRE
Another way to get up SPIRALSTAIRCASE
As good as it gets IDEAL
Attribute TRAIT
Avoid the lines? ADLIB
Bacchanalia ORGIES
Banker's advice SAVE
Bedecked ADORNED
Bender TEAR
Bird lodging ROOST
Biting ACRID
Book-lined retreats DENS
Bowed, in music ARCO
Bright, as a pupil APT
British baloney ROT
Brutish one OGRE
Brylcreem applications DABS
Bundle in the field BALE
Cash caches BANKVAULTS
Cattail's locale MARSH
Cell-destroying antibody LYSIN
Central Russian city OMSK
Characterized by heathy vigor LUSTY
Church area reserved for clergy CHANCEL
Classified SECRET
Comedian Phillips EMO
Common ailments COLDS
Crche critter ASS
Deface MAR
Definite article THE
Did a conductor's job LED
Dishwasher setting RINSE
Double-curved molding OGEE
Dutch Boy layer COAT
Economize SAVE
Edge RIM
Employee of the Month, e.g. HONOR
Engage in woolgathering? SHEAR
Entertain grandly FETE
ER procedure CPR
Eureka! AHA
Clues Answers
Excessive ALLFIRED
Flower's petals, collectively COROLLA
Gave it the old college try? ESSAYED
Grease a palm BRIBE
Grippe FLU
Grp. that sticks to their guns NRA
Hardcover? SHELL
Hebrew alphabet starters ALEPHS
Howitzer, e.g. CANNON
Ice, e.g. AGE
Indonesian isle BALI
Israeli round dance HORAH
It's full of holes COLANDER
It's in the eye of the beholder IRIS
It's tired? CAR
Jamaican fruit UGLI
Junkyard dog, often SNARLER
Kane of ''All My Children'' ERICA
Kesey and Berry KENS
Knocks down the Lego blocks and starts anew REERECTS
Lacking (with ''of'') DEVOID
Lavender bloom LILAC
Lemon suffix ADE
Like fresh matches UNLIT
Likewise TOO
Masters holder, briefly PGA
Member of the warrior class of old Japan SAMURAI
Messy pen STY
Move through the mire SLOG
National flower of Mexico DAHLIA
Ne'er-do-well IDLER
Not just decorative UTILE
Noted wine valley NAPA
Obliterate ERASE
Occur afterward ENSUE
Official opinions RULINGS
Old King Cole? NAT
Old streetlight GASLAMP
One way to get up HOTAIRBALLOON
One-time Edison employee TESLA
Out of proper order AMISS
Paper you can break LEASE
Part of many Spanish place names LOS
Part of the eye UVEA
Parts of cows' stomachs RETICULA
Places for babies CRIBS
Reunion in Dallas, e.g. ARENA
Reveller with horns SATYR
Revered one IDOL
River to the Laptev Sea LENA
Rocky Mountain predators COUGARS
Singer who makes house calls CAROLER
Single season strike-out king RYAN
Snake oil, purportedly CURE
Sodium or potassium hydroxide LYE
Soul singer Hayes ISAAC
Sound from an iron horse CHUG
Suffix with mountain or musket EER
Super Bowl III champs JETS
Tanker's counterweights BALLASTS
Tarzan's trademark YELL
The law's is long ARM
The man holding us up? ATLAS
They fold in automobiles JUMPSEATS
They may be found hanging in malls TEENS
They're in it for the long haul RIGS
Trade prohibition EMBARGO
Traveler's abbreviation ETA
Universal, in a Chinese philosophy TAO
Watch's center MAINSPRING
Went to waste SAT
What some comments are off of CUFF
When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie EVENING
Where the gaucho gallops PAMPA
Yet another way to get up EXTENSIONLADDER