- Aug 8 2010

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Clues Answers
''Bus Stop'' playwright INGE
''Dallas'' matriarch ELLIE
''Get lost!'' SKIDOO
''Untouchables'' name NESS
''Wizard of Oz'' studio MGM
''__ Love You'' (Beatles tune) PSI
''__ Misérables'' LES
'60s First Daughter LUCI
According to PER
Alphabetic trio LMN
Ancient Anglo-Saxon, e.g. PAGAN
Ancient Peruvian INCA
Angus outburst MOO
Apartment-ad abbr. EIK
Are, in Argentina ESTA
Astronaut Shepard ALAN
Bar snack PORKRIND
Blond shade ASH
Boca __, FL RATON
Brussels-based grp. NATO
Bugs Bunny, for instance TOON
Bullring star MATADOR
Business-reply encl. SASE
Cattail locale MARSH
Certain NCO SGT
Chinese noodles LOMEIN
Cockney's digs OME
Coll. term SEM
Computer adjunct MODEM
Confusing situation MORASS
Corp. boss CEO
Couch potatoes' magazine? MENSFITNESSPREVENTION
Course standard PAR
Curved blade SABER
Days before EVES
Demolition letters TNT
Designer Chanel COCO
Developer's inventory NEWHOMES
Dickens heroine NELL
Diva's solo ARIA
Drain pain CLOG
Elite police squad SWAT
Elvis expression SNEER
Feathery scarves BOAS
Feel off AIL
Fencing implement EPEE
Forest clearing GLADE
Formal agreement PACT
General average NORM
Give rise to SPAWN
GPS reading SSE
Grammatical connector AND
Greek letters NUS
Hero sandwich SUB
Ice-cream server SCOOP
In abeyance ONICE
International Q&A magazine? COSMOPOLITANINTERVIEW
Invitation letters RSVP
Japanese mushroom ENOKI
Kathmandu's country NEPAL
Keystone comic KOP
Kid's transportation SCOOTER
Kitchen-tips magazine? BLENDERDETAILS
Less logical INANER
Likewise not NOR
List-ending abbr. ETAL
Magazine for angry rovers? MADROLLINGSTONE
Magazine for motocross models? DIRTBIKEGLAMOUR
Magazine with a ''GNP Poker'' section? ECONOMISTGAMES
Main impact BRUNT
Mauna __ LOA
Clues Answers
Menlo Park monogram TAE
Mesh fabric FISHNET
Mexican money PESOS
Mimics APERS
Minimal LEAST
Multitude HORDE
Name meaning ''noble'' PATRICIA
Newspaper essays OPEDS
Noble group PEERAGE
Northeast college town ORONOMAINE
Novelist Grafton SUE
Okla., before statehood TERR
Operated RAN
Org. that gets many returns IRS
Out of harm's way SAFE
Peter Fonda role of '97 ULEE
Picket-line crosser SCAB
Playing marble AGATE
Poetic preposition ERE
Polite refusal NOMAAM
Prefix for classical NEO
Prefix meaning ''nine'' ENNEA
Prepare for a big day ahead RESTUP
Ring result TKO
Rope securer KNOT
Rouen relative TANTE
School of thought ISM
Scoundrel KNAVE
Scuba diver's bring-along TANK
Scuba diver's bring-along AIR
Seats, slangily USHES
See old friends again REUNE
Settle in snugly NEST
Ship of 1492 NINA
Shoe designation EEE
Short times, for short SECS
Silver source ORE
Singer Guthrie ARLO
Skiing spot ALP
Small piece SNIP
Smile upon BLESS
Snakelike swimmer EEL
Software test version BETA
Solo of ''Star Wars'' HAN
Sound booster AMP
Sound quality TONE
Southwest African nation NAMIBIA
Speak indistinctly SLUR
Spherical missile CANNONBALL
Spruce up ADORN
Stared at OGLED
Sticks up ROBS
Summary RECAP
Swahili's language group BANTU
Term-paper references ENDNOTES
The Dalai __ LAMA
Thorn in one's side BANE
Tiny colonist ANT
Took the train RODE
Trojan War epic AENEID
Truman veep Barkley ALBEN
Unanimously ASONE
Uncle Sam's land USOFA
Unquestioning followers SHEEP
Upper-class magazine? PENTHOUSEPEOPLE
Water source TAP
Watergate-hearings senator SAMERVIN
Welles of Hollywood ORSON
Workout aftermath, perhaps ACHE
Workplace-oversight agcy. OSHA
__ cost (free) ATNO
__ Paulo SAO