Wall Street Journal - Aug 6 2010 - August 6, 2010 - Pin Numbers

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Clues Answers
'Everything's curious today' speaker ALICE
'Holy cow!' YEESH
'Le Malade Imaginaire' playwright MOLIERE
'Studies in the Sierra' writer MUIR
'Voice of Israel' author EBAN
A quantity of SOME
Acquisition from a deal HAND
Aerodynamic vehicle RACECAR
Agree to a merger GETENGAGED
Aluminum coin YEN
Archer's need BOW
Archipelago nation FIJI
Aspirations AIMS
Away from the bow ASTERN
Bad boy in 'Toy Story' SID
Bar mixer COLA
Battle of the bulgy? SUMO
Big party RAGER
Blows away AWES
Bottom line SUM
Bowling challenge, and this puzzle's theme SEVENTENSPLIT
Buddy MAC
Capital of Lombardy MILAN
Caret's key SIX
Chihuahua wrap SERAPE
Clarification lead-in IMEAN
Clearance, for example SALESEVENT
Clinches, as a victory ICES
Come to an end LAPSE
Company car, say PERK
Couch potato's buy TIVO
Cruel expressions SNEERS
Cruise stopover ISLE
Cruise stopover PORT
DDE's alma mater USMA
Decisive step STRIDE
Deck wood TEAK
Delhi dish CURRY
Designer Jacobs MARC
Diagnostic test SCAN
Does a bouncer's job EJECTS
Doorkeeper's demands IDS
Eldest of the Baldwin brothers ALEC
Filer's worry AUDIT
Fixin' to GONNA
Flaring star NOVA
Flattered, in a way APED
Flautist Jean-Pierre RAMPAL
Flight makeup STAIRS
For the birds? AVIAN
Former governor who co-starred in 1987's 'Predator' JESSEVENTURA
Fox's prey HEN
Fraternity letters NUS
Freeloader LEECH
Get the word out SPEAK
Go aboard EMBARK
Goalie's feat SAVE
Grain component GLUTEN
Has no profit or loss BREAKSEVEN
Hatchery sound PEEP
Hides a mike on WIRES
History text unit ERA
Home of many Hmong LAOS
Home of the Panthers PITT
Hot spot OVEN
Hotel room feature SAFE
It often involves slamming doors FARCE
Its products appear in many stories OTIS
Join a jury SIT
Julius fired on the air by Arthur Godfrey LAROSA
Keg part TAP
Clues Answers
Kia subcompact RIO
KISS's biggest hit BETH
Letters of urgency ASAP
Like some patches IRONON
Loyal TRUE
Maggie Simpson's sister LISA
Maine flag feature PINETREE
May be seen now ISIN
Meteoric RAPID
Mideast carrier ELAL
Model path RUNWAY
Mont. neighbor IDA
Morning run, often JOG
Neighborhoods AREAS
Neutralizing waves WHITENOISE
No faster EATER
No longer interesting STALE
One of a well-known septet ASIA
One of TV's 'Friends' ROSS
One-time connection ATA
Oversight ERROR
Particulars ITEMS
PBS offering ETV
Performer often trapped in a box MIME
Pierre Curie's wife MARIE
Pop's pop GRANDPA
Prop for Groucho CIGAR
Quartet member ALTO
Rudy with a megaphone VALLEE
S&L offerings CDS
Sandy snippet ARF
Scarlett's friend MELANIE
Select group? VOTERS
Shade HUE
Shut-in's aide PRIVATENURSE
Signs over CEDES
Silent bids NODS
Singer Stefani GWEN
Sister of Moses MIRIAM
Sleeps it off, say SOBERSUP
Small truck maker TONKA
Snug retreat NEST
Snug retreat DEN
Socially dominant ALPHA
Solemn practice RITUAL
Song holder IPOD
Staff note MEMO
Strobe Alley setting MIT
Supreme authority? MOTOWN
Take ___ (snooze) ANAP
Talk of London, informally BRITENGLISH
Tendon-protecting bones PATELLAS
Tex who created Bugs Bunny AVERY
The power behind the thrown? UMP
They're kept under wraps PRESENTS
Throw with effort HEAVE
Took down a peg ABASED
Tribe in some logic puzzles LIARS
Turpentine buyer, perhaps OILPAINTER
UFO photo, perhaps HOAX
Used to be WAS
Vintage OLD
Walk the earth LIVE
Wax-wrapped product GOUDA
Wetland flock EGRETS
Writer's wrongs TYPOS
Yanks' org. ALEAST
Youngster TAD