L.A. Times Daily - Jul 24 2010

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Clues Answers
"Let's go!" CMON
"__ is the language of the unheard": M.L. King Jr. ARIOT
1980 film debut for 1-Across MYBODYGUARD
1983 ELO hit with the lyric "She loves that drivin' beat" ROCKNROLLISKING
1986 Best New Artist Grammy winner SADE
Airport board heading ARRIVALS
Aquiline nose, e.g. TRAIT
Area between N. and S. Korea DMZ
Balderdash PAP
Bavarian trio DREI
Bond activity? SPYING
Capital east of Dhaka HANOI
Cat lead-in SNO
Certain handout LEAFLET
Chameleon-like Woody Allen character ZELIG
Co-star of TV's "Chuck" ADAMBALDWIN
Continental trade org. EEC
Credit checker Experian, formerly TRW
Dispensary stock PILLS
Eightball loser, often RACKER
Exude an air of disinterest BLOWCOLD
For only a select few SECRET
Goes on to say ADDS
Got a new tenant for RELET
Grooved, in carpentry DADOED
High-tech engineering acronym CADCAM
Hired gun, briefly MERC
How a cool wind blows BRISKLY
Hydrocarbon suffix ANE
In __: as found SITU
It's often smoked in Sweden EEL
Kind of well ARTESIAN
Like bees APIAN
Clues Answers
Luminescent critter FIREFLY
Macy's logo STAR
Margarita option NOSALT
Mil. branch from 1943 to 1978 WAC
Multipurpose lyrics LALA
Negotiating asset OPENMIND
Official ties of New Mexico BOLOS
One might raise the roof CRANEOPERATOR
One of the fire signs ARIES
Oregon Trail river PLATTE
Org. that infiltrated Germany in the '40s OSS
Plush, in a way PILED
Raccoon kin COATI
Restaurant guide category ITALIAN
RR depot STA
Situations that aren't clear-cut BORDERLINECASES
Some rtes. RDS
State with a five-sided flag OHIO
String music direction ARCO
Tempo marking LENTO
They may be spotted at pet stores CALICOKITTENS
Tip of a pen NIB
Title name in an unfinished Dickens work DROOD
Tony-winning star of "Where's Charley?" (1948) BOLGER
Top quality GRADEA
Toy in resealable cans PLAYDOH
Very much SORELY
Virgin America hub: Abbr. SFO
Watering holes SALOONS
Whitish MILKY