Wall Street Journal - Jul 16 2010 - July 16, 2010 - The Eagle Has Landed

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Clues Answers
'Around the Horn' carrier ESPN
'I can live with that' ITLLDO
'I lived ___': Tosca FORART
'Spring Turning' painter GRANTWOOD
'Super Fly' star Ron ONEAL
'That's kinda gross!' ICK
'___ star fall from heaven unto the earth': Revelation ISAWA
1960s protest org. SDS
1972 hit for Bill Withers USEME
1995 movie directed by and starring Billy Crystal FORGETPARIS
Abu Dhabi bigwig EMIR
Accomplishes DOES
Acts the magpie GABS
As a precaution INCASE
Basketball's Karl and Moses MALONES
Before today AGO
Blowout on the highway ROADRAGE
Blows away AWES
Blue SAD
Both the Yankees and the Mets retired his number 37 STENGEL
Braz. neighbor ARG
Buntings' kin SPARROWS
Burgundy buddy AMI
Cardinal base NEST
Cash on hand? CHIPS
Club date GIG
Coin in a Peruvian purse SOL
Collectible sheet CEL
Color commentator's tidbit STAT
Completely absorbed RAPT
Copacabana setting RIO
Cosecant's reciprocal SINE
Cried like a baby BAWLED
Density symbol RHO
Did a caddie's job TOTED
Direct elsewhere AVERT
Driver in the movies MINNIE
Drooping eyelid, medically PTOSIS
Eagle found in seven spots in this puzzle TWOUNDERPAR
Ear component KERNEL
Early role for Neil Patrick DOOGIE
Easy basket TIPIN
Espoo resident FINN
Eurasian deer ROES
Event for Li Xiaopeng PARALLELBARS
Exploit profitably PARLAY
Facilitate ENABLE
Faction SECT
Filmed another version of REMADE
First king of Israel SAUL
Firstborn son of Valiant and Aleta ARN
Flatline indicator: Abbr. ECG
Followers of some queens ANTS
Forwarded, say SENT
Fowl female HEN
Grammy-nominated song by the Dixie Chicks IHOPE
Gunshot evidence RESIDUE
Halloween projectile EGG
Hieroglyphic reptiles ASPS
Hit the ceiling ERUPT
Hold stuff CARGO
Hood piece? GAT
Host's responsibility INTROS
Hotel room features DESKS
Identity element LOGO
Informal alliances ENTENTES
It began as Standard Oil of Indiana AMOCO
It flows by the Royal Shakespeare Theatre AVON
It's often filtered EMAIL
Clues Answers
It's out of the mouths of babes DROOL
Jerry's nemesis TOM
Juicy gossip DIRT
Juicy gossip DISH
Karate's birthplace OKINAWA
Kingdom whose flag bears a thunder dragon BHUTAN
Knight's neighbor ROOK
Knight's neighbor PAWN
Labor camps GULAGS
Lasted longer than OUTWORE
Liza's dad VINCENTE
Made like Pan PIPED
Magnate's holdings EMPIRE
Make a choice OPT
Mechanic's stock AUTOPARTS
Merger acquisitions? INLAWS
Middle course MEAN
Millionaires' mistresses KEPTWOMEN
Miracle-___ (plant food) GRO
Music buy DISC
Natural UNDYED
Nay voter ANTI
Neighbor of Minn. and N.Y. ONT
Office aide TEMP
One's first home UTERUS
Oscar winner for 'GoodFellas' PESCI
Padlocked piece HASP
Park performers MIMES
Personal protector AMULET
Pertinence APTNESS
Plenty ALOT
Pol's concern IMAGE
Present time PARTY
President overthrown in 1955 PERON
Profferer of a storybook meal SAMIAM
Promise ASSURE
Proofing scribble DELE
R.I. is the only state smaller than it DEL
Radio character voiced by John Todd TONTO
Recipe directive STIR
Reply to the parson IDO
Ring setting TUB
Rooster's tale? TRUEGRIT
Sapphire side FACET
School setting SEA
Self-replicating program INTERNETWORM
Show elasticity ADAPT
Singer on the 50 kronor note LIND
Site of many organs TORSO
Some rappers MCS
Stack up against COMPARETO
Staple starch of Polynesia TARO
Subject of an 1866 Manet painting FIFER
Sun-Maid girl's topper BONNET
Super Bowl XLI champs COLTS
Terminated OVER
They put on shows NETWORKS
Thought IDEA
Toys with tails KITES
Typical Hollister Co. customer TEEN
Uncovers BARES
Van Susteren of Fox News GRETA
Victims of ostracism PARIAHS
Vision-related OPTIC
Vittles GRUB
What Horton heard AWHO
Where do you get off? STOP
Whoop YELL
Y.A. Tittle's alma mater LSU
You can pitch it and later strike it PUPTENT