The Telegraph - QUICK CROSSWORD NO: 29,803 - Oct 11 2021

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Clues Answers
Ability to endure TOLERANCE
Assembled MUSTERED
Bishop's headdress MITRE
Compete eagerly VIE
Desire COVET
Eiffel structure TOWER
Faint DIM
Flourish BLOSSOM
Give up CEDE
Greek alphabet letter OMICRON
Inaugurate by oath SWEARIN
Legendary outlaw ROBINHOOD
Clues Answers
Most profound DEEPEST
Pleat; food TUCK
Protective sewing aid THIMBLE
Skin growth WART
Small restaurant BISTRO
Sorceress WITCH
Spiritualist's meeting SEANCE
Substitute RESERVE
Sustained conflict BATTLE
Uncooked RAW
Walking ONFOOT
Warm; spicy HOT
Woke up late OVERSLEPT
Worry FRET