The Telegraph - TOUGHIE CROSSWORD NO: 2,721 - Sep 28 2021

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Clues Answers
, 17 Down & 6 Down Betray nothing in tower with a uniform vertical aspect KEEPA
Book of Baudelaire's is at this point abridged ESTHER
Booted out rival here and there in ancient region BOEOTIA
Cat in wood lake submerges? LASH
Communications device to signal unwittingly TELEGRAPH
Creature carried by Nepalese as luggage SEASLUG
Famed musician naked -- is ale involved? NEILSEDAKA
Get saint from anagram (medley that needs rearrangement) MARYMAGDALENE
Greek in underworld, Leander seen regularly HELLENE
Green space -- excited ape seen within repeatedly beats chest BATTERSEAPARK
Happy to have boys travel around with me GLADSOME
Misfortune braved, admits leader of Nouvelle Vague ILLDEFINED
One sinking after bounding with confident gait SWAGGER
Pirate scattered armed guard, out of bounds MARAUDER
Clues Answers
Point secured in contest, throwing weapon SPEAR
Polish people news boss brings in EMEND
Put on stone, advanced in years STAGED
See 20 Across STRAIGHT
See 20 Across FACE
Sneering scars a distressed maiden SARCASM
Speciation theory right -- success lies in restraint DARWINISM
Stocking vino with a revised list: might oenophile see this expanded? WAISTLINE
Swede for one needing money initially in current account BRASSICA
The endless growth in snooker? THWART
When announced, money only divided region KASHMIR
Whistler, perhaps confined by police, disposing of diamonds KETTLE
White after black seen with daisy-like plant? ALABASTER
Worldly hold-up man eventually scratching back ATLAS