The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 671 - Aug 30 2021

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Clues Answers
Capable of adapting to change, English remain in charge ELASTIC
Cheese a representative brought into court CAMEMBERT
Controller's marvellous eye shield SUPERVISOR
Cycled over for cowboy exhibition RODEO
Delicacy got from fair goes off FOIEGRAS
Direct extra to spot OVERSEE
Dismiss bank clerk CASHIER
Dropped bombs making one cry SHEDTEARS
Film rough blackleg climbing on board STARWARS
Foremost of bassists with pop group BAND
Guide, hot feeding pig SHOW
Husband, even more generous HANDSOME
Liqueur from Tyre initially befuddled Pericles TRIPLESEC
Name American river TAGUS
Old boy with beaker turned up for soup GUMBO
Owner of large farm managed US singer RANCHER
Clues Answers
Passage from 'Emma' is learned AISLE
Physio service European supplies MASSEUR
Plant in bogland bordering river FERN
Prize: a flipping tie AWARD
Problem keeping Arctic seabird's bone STERNUM
Remarkable charade to swindle member of the clergy ARCHDEACON
Rifle fire SACK
Some stopping lad entering woodland clearing GLADE
Son leaving out du Maurier character SVENGALI
Supporters, lots giving hard facts BRASSTACKS
Teach incorrectly about male cat CHEETAH
They, perhaps, going over church, say PRONOUNCE
Top title CROWN
Underwriter, popular and more trusted INSURER
Unsettle police officers ahead of performance DISCONCERT
Variety of fruit, not ordinary RANGE