L.A. Times Sunday - Jun 20 2010

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Clues Answers
"Dose guys" DEM
"Journey Into Healing" author CHOPRA
"Meet the Press" guest, perh. SEN
"Play Time" actor-director TATI
"The Most Happy ___" FELLA
1999 Ron Howard comedy EDTV
3-D, as some books POPUP
A fan of INTO
Ablaze, in French ENFEU
Actor Omar EPPS
Actress Taylor RENEE
Aero finish SOL
Affirmatives AYES
Area meas. SQCM
Around 11 p.m., perhaps LATISH
Artist Jean ARP
Back-ordered? RECALLED
Barbara Stanwyck film, "The Lady ___" EVE
Bosun's ___ MATE
Boxer Max BAER
Brando, by birth OMAHAN
Bumper sticker, "That was Zen, this is ___' TAO
Coen Brothers classic FARGO
Coin-___ OPS
College climbers IVIES
Concern of Dad the cashier? PAPERORPLASTIC
Controversy TODO
Covert org. NSA
Currier's partner IVES
Deeply felt emotion SOUL
Discussion group PANEL
Diverti or penti ending MENTO
Dog with a saliva problem? SPITZ
Don't agree DIFFER
Drugstore: abbr. PHARM
Dusk-dawn insert TIL
E. ___ COLI
Elvis's birthplace TUPELO
Evenhanded FAIR
Fab Four's fifth? ONO
Father's Day reminder? PICKOUTPRESENTS
First Republican prez ABE
Friendly introduction? ECO
From Iran or Iraq ASIAN
Good ___ ASNEW
Graph line YAXIS
Greek letter TAU
Greek letter RHO
Grey ___ POUPON
Hammer parts PEENS
He played Tony on "NYPD Blue" ESAI
Henri's here ICI
His dad is Atticus Finch JEM
Howard and Isaac STERNS
Imitate APE
In favor of, to a Clampett FER
Indian coin RUPEE
Infamous African IDI
Infraction reaction PENALTY
Intersecting points VERTICES
Issue for Dad the professor? PUBLISHORPERISH
It's nothing ZERO
Ivanhoe's love ROWENA
Job for Dad the doctor? POSTOPPROCEDURE
Kitchen tool PARER
Knotted TIED
LAX news ETA
Clues Answers
Light or dark subject MEAT
Likely APT
Lorenzo or his actor dad LAMAS
Loud, harsh cry YAWP
Louisiana veggie OKRA
Love god EROS
Mass-wedding participant MOONIE
Model Campbell NAOMI
Mongolia's ___ Mountains ALTAI
Mrs. in a ghost story MUIR
Northern Irish province ULSTER
Old cry of despair OWOE
Old recorder format VHS
OR people DOCS
Oxidation sites ANODES
Part of an immigrant's educ. ESL
Peeper protector EYELASH
Pinball hitter FLIPPER
Place to see 16 Down: abbr. HOSP
Plenty of AMPLE
Previously, previously ERENOW
Purchase by Dad the art teacher? POTOFPASTE
Put on cloud 9 ELATE
Raccoonlike carnivores COATIS
Radius companion ULNA
Regan's dad LEAR
Rehab of a sort DETOX
Removable floor covering MAT
Return address? IRS
Rob ___ (Scotch manhattans) ROYS
Royal tomb of a sort PYRAMID
Salon stuff GEL
Seed covering ARIL
Sell with a yell HAWK
Siren sound, in the comics RRRR
Sloth, for one SIN
Some brayers ASSES
Sophie's portrayer MERYL
Surrender CEDE
Sweden's Palme OLOF
Tahitian port PAPEETE
Talks like Daffy LISPS
Tampa Bay players RAYS
The Graf ___ SPEE
They're under blotters DESKS
Time-travel race ELOI
Titusville discovery OIL
Tony Rome's home MIAMI
Used car of a sort REPO
Warsaw Pact counterpart NATO
Watcher of the skies: abbr. EPA
What Dad the artist uses? PLASTEROFPARIS
What Dad the CEO occupies? POSITIONOFPOWER
What Dad the investor is after? PIECEOFPROPERTY
Where Octavian beat Antony and Cleopatra in 31 B.C. ACTIUM
Where siroccos blow SAHARA
Window sign for Dad the dry cleaner? PLANTONPREMISES
Words from Dad the game show host? PASSORPLAY
Write quickly JOT
WWII pinup girl LANA
___ farm FAT
___ keyboard QWERTY
___ skiing ALPINE
___ voce SOTTO