New York Times - Jun 8 2010

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Clues Answers
'Private - keep out' NOENTRY
'The Star-Spangled Banner' preposition OER
12:30 a.m. or p.m., on a ship ONEBELL
About, on a memo INRE
Actress Swenson of 'Benson' INGA
Appear SEEM
Asset PLUS
Astronomer's aid STARMAP
Audio input location OUTEREAR
Auto loan inits. APR
Bra insert WIRE
Broadcast AIR
Bubbling ABOIL
Busy as ___ ABEE
Button between * and # OPER
Clinton's 1996 opponent DOLE
Close call NEARMISS
Coffee choices BREWS
Cord material BAST
Damage MAR
Dior-designed dress ALINE
Earliest time SOONEST
Edit menu option UNDO
Et ___ ALIA
Fancy pitcher EWER
Fronted, in a way LENT
Glass on a radio IRA
Having less forethought RASHER
Isn't all the same VARIES
Israeli arm UZI
Job rights agcy. EEOC
Join the staff HIREON
Keats, for one ODIST
Keeps from happening PREVENTS
Ladies of Spain: Abbr. SRAS
Lemony TART
Look inside? XRAY
Marriage, for one RITE
Clues Answers
Martinique volcano PELEE
Milo of 'Romeo and Juliet' OSHEA
Muscat's land OMAN
O'Neill's 'The Hairy ___' APE
Old MacDonald had one FARM
Old Testament prophet who married a harlot HOSEA
One of the Mannings ELI
One who can't keep off the grass? STONER
Parkinsonism drug LDOPA
Piglike MESSY
Pinnacle ACME
PlayStation 2 competitor XBOX
Pond buildup ALGAE
Really enjoys oneself HASABALL
Repeated message? ECHO
See 24-Across THEPAPAS
See 39-Across AND
See 39-Across SHOUT
See 40-Down BROTHERS
Some are flannel PAJAMAS
Some jeans LEES
Strips in front of a window? SLATS
Table salt is composed of them IONS
The 6 in 6/8/10, e.g. MONTH
Thistle or goldenrod WEED
Tortoise or hare RACER
Villa d'___ ESTE
Western defense grp. OAS
With 41- and 42-Across, 1964 Beatles hit TWIST
With 41- and 54-Across, group with a 1967 ballad version of 39-/41-/ 42-Across THEMAMAS
With 9-Down, group with a 1962 hit version of 39-/41-/ 42-Across THEISLEY
Women, quaintly, with 'the' FAIRSEX
Woodcarver's tool ADZE
Word after 'does' and 'doesn't' in an old ad slogan SHE
Word before 'You're killing me!' STOP
Wraps (up) SEWS
Zellweger of 'My One and Only' RENEE
___ de vivre JOIE