The Times - Cryptic - Times Cryptic No 27997

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Clues Answers
A brick from ace with merchandise left a good sport
A full-bodied ale brewed by English moonlight? lead a double life
A racket taking in head of mafia organisation ADMIN
Advanced pro imagines what statistician needs a head for figures
Bank employee hasn't entered shillings in notebook CAHIER
Carbon copies for heads CAPES
Celebrate thirteen down — apt after a fashion paint the town red
Dad, to irritate, gets into row about mending equipment repair kit
Field study is dreary LEADEN
G&S princess has years away, very probably! i daresay
Heard of mark on potato publication SPECTATOR
Holy object oddly laid in playing field RELIC
Home of the brave, made of slate, and well heated? Not right! WIGWAM
Key worker's jargon CANT
Clues Answers
Lamentations of small groups touring biblical land THRENODES
Look back, working hard, and persevere keep at it
Lunges wildly round the West Indies, displaying weapon lewis gun
Miles away from a ranch — miles away! AFAR
O for some romantic correspondence! love letter
Poor firm pockets a pile CHEAPO
Prophet’s artistic grandma MOSES
Put up policy: new cover for board table linen
Region where Lamb's full of a singular flavour east anglia
Scrap old bank holiday WHIT
Sweet complexion peaches and cream
Wader's granny? KNOT
Where striker stands for more pay? INCREASE
Woman cuddling baby, eating a hot snack ENCHILADA