L.A. Times Daily - May 14 2021

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Clues Answers
"Enough!" STOP
"House" actor EPPS
"The Maids" playwright Jean GENET
"__ the season ... " TIS
14-Down native SERB
Actor Hemsworth LIAM
Agitated state LATHER
All-vowel avowal OUI
Amos who covered Nirvana's "Smells Like Teen Spirit" TORI
Campy wrap BOA
Captain Kirk's home state IOWA
Car ad fig MSRP
Certain sib SIS
Chicken general TSO
Chlumsky of "Veep" ANNA
Civil rights pioneer __ B. Wells IDA
Cougar maker, for short MERC
Court case determination FACT
Cut down HEWN
Demo letters TNT
Didn't rush things WENTSLOW
Exclamation clued by its circled letters THATHITSTHESPOT
Exclamation clued by its circled letters HOLDEVERYTHING
Exclamation clued by its circled letters AINTGONNAHAPPEN
Exclamation clued by its circled letters LOOKWHATIFOUND
Game with Reverse cards UNO
Gift shop stock TSHIRTS
Give away CEDE
Go out with a bang SLAM
Govt. agent CIASPY
Gut feeling SENSE
Immerse (in) BATHE
Intensify HEATUP
Jack (up) AMP
Japanese beer brand ASAHI
Litter peeps MEWS
Clues Answers
Littlest in the litter RUNT
Me. neighbor QUE
Mila of "Bad Moms" KUNIS
Miner concern ORE
Mint in a tin ALTOID
Monte Carlo attractions CASINOS
Neutrogena shampoo brand TGEL
Normandy beach JUNO
Nutty confection PRALINE
Often critical innings NINTHS
Old-fashioned way to settle a dispute DUEL
Out together ONADATE
Part of Q.E.D ERAT
Party goal FUN
Pristina's country KOSOVO
Prompting CUEING
QB stat ATT
QB stats TDS
River to the St. Lawrence OTTAWA
Rudiments ABCS
Singer whose "Breathe Me" was part of the "Six Feet Under" series finale SIA
Smidgen SKOSH
Solemn and wise, supposedly OWLLIKE
Some Sunnis KURDS
Spanish wine RIOJA
Start to focus? AUTO
Tag sale reminder ASIS
They have it when things pass AYES
Top-notch AONE
Ukrainian city ODESSA
Unhappy look MOUE
Visits suddenly BOPSIN
Wayne Manor feature BATPOLE
Wedding dress option SARI
Workplace concern EQUALPAY
__ the line TOES