- May 21 2010

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Clues Answers
''Good heavens!'' OHNO
''GWTW'' surname OHARA
''Roast pig'' essayist ELIA
''Sesame Street ''character ERNIE
10K participants RUNNERS
AC term BTU
Arm-twisting DURESS
Author who created Poker Flat HARTE
Bard's ''before'' ERE
Big name in synonyms ROGET
Blueprint, for example PLAN
Certain tax DUTY
Copier refill TONER
Cowboy-boot accessory SPUR
Developer's buy LOT
Disheartened DOWN
Diverse MOTLEY
Door ding DENT
Eurasian range URALS
Eye-bending designs OPART
Financial-planning letters IRA
Forked over SPENT
French-onion soup need CHEESE
Fresh-mouthed PERT
Fried-egg holder ROLL
Game-show group PANEL
Home plate ump's call BATTERUP
Ill-considered HASTY
Increase gradually, with ''up'' RATCHET
Inflexibility RIGOR
Italian hot spot ETNA
Jammed with the band SATIN
Jungle king LION
Knight crew SIRS
Lunar valley RILLE
Maine's state animal MOOSE
Map in a map INSET
Mideast carrier ELAL
Clues Answers
More optimistic ROSIER
Muddy up ROIL
Network for NASCAR news ESPN
NOW cause ERA
On hand HERE
Part of a Monopoly set MONEY
Part of HRH HER
Partner of Edward Jones DOW
Pasty-faced ASHEN
Phantom's haunt OPERA
Put up on eBay SELL
Puts in piles SORTS
Rodeo competitor ROPER
Salon goos GELS
Shot in the arm HYPO
Sign supporters POSTS
Sleeping-car compartment ROOMETTE
Soft seat SETTEE
Something to check COAT
Stubble spot CHIN
Stylish TONY
Suffix for concession AIRE
The present TODAY
Time to see the Dr. APPT
Title for a countess LADY
To boot ALSO
Trims back PARES
Trojans' home USC
Troop formation LINE
Wardrobe malfunction RIP
Way out there AFAR
Where to find shells PASTASALAD
Where to find shells RIFLERANGE
Where to find shells TACOSTAND
Where to find shells OYSTERBED
Whooped it up HOLLERED
Yodeler's spot ALP
Young frogs TADPOLES