- May 18 2010

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''And this is the thanks __?'' IGET
''Guided'' vacation TOUR
''Knock it off!'' STOP
''Not guilty,'' for one PLEA
Actress Mendes EVA
Barnyard cacklers HENS
Business associate PARTNER
Capital of Cuba HAVANA
Captivated RAPT
Cleaning cloth RAG
Cunning quality SLYNESS
Deed holder OWNER
Donald Duck or Bugs Bunny TOON
Each, slangily APOP
Exercise system from India YOGA
Fencing swords EPEES
Finish first WIN
Fit of temper SNIT
Football throw PASS
Get away from EVADE
Give up, as rights CEDE
Goes bad ROTS
Guys-only gatherings STAGS
Health resorts SPAS
Heroic tale EPIC
Highest point APEX
Highway part LANE
Hunter's quarry PREY
Improve, as wine AGE
Insurance case CLAIM
Leaning-tower city PISA
Like sore muscles ACHY
Lima's country PERU
Make simpler EASE
Med. insurance groups HMOS
Mexican shawls SERAPES
Minor dispute SPAT
Mirror reflection IMAGE
Mouse-catching device TRAP
Clues Answers
Nile queen, for short CLEO
Olden days YORE
One-fifth of 100 TWENTY
Orchard fruit APPLE
Partially open AJAR
Pave once more RETAR
Persona __ grata NON
Pull apart TEAR
Rams' mates EWES
Remove from power OUST
Risk taker DARER
Roman 52 LII
Room coolers: Abbr. ACS
Say no to REFUSE
Sharp knock RAP
Sign-making device STENCIL
Small snack NOSH
Solitary sort LONER
Suffix for young or gang STER
Taco topping SALSA
Talk-show hosts EMCEES
Tennis-match units SETS
Thanksgiving veggie YAM
Theater platform STAGE
Thorny flower ROSE
Took a break RESTED
Traveler's document VISA
Tropical tree PALM
Underground chambers CAVES
Untamed FERAL
Used a keyboard TYPED
VIP's transport PRIVATEJET
VIP's transport HELICOPTER
Weapon suppliers ARMERS
What libraries do LEND
Wipe the chalk from ERASE
Wise ones SAGES