Wall Street Journal - Mar 20 2021 - On/Off Switch

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Clues Answers
“Bambi” aunt ENA
“Holy moly!” YIPES
“Shoot” ASKME
“Spamalot” lyricist ERICIDLE
“Steppenwolf” author HESSE
“We’re going to the Super Bowl!” e.g.? PLAYOFFWORDS
“Wir glauben all an ___ Gott” (Lutheran hymn) EINEN
1862 battle site ANTIETAM
1987 role for Robert De Niro ALCAPONE
Amigo PAL
Approval NOD
Attempt to cool down a cup of tea? BLOWONSTEAM
Bad-mouth DIS
Barista’s creation LATTE
Big initials in bowling AMF
Bit of fiction FIB
Bit of fiction LIE
Bonnie’s partner in crime CLYDE
Card game lay-downs MELDS
Catchall category: Abbr MISC
Charger unit WATT
Charisse of “Brigadoon” CYD
Cheap laminate for furniture making? KNOCKOFFWOOD
City near Cooperstown ONEONTA
City on the Po TURIN
Clinically clean STERILE
Coach with 347 career wins SHULA
Cool like a cool cat HEP
Cornball CHEESY
Crib BIN
Crispy Colonel Combo seller KFC
Crockpot creation STEW
Depth: Prefix BATHO
Development sites UTERI
Dialect IDIOM
Don’t exist ARENT
Donald Duck’s mother HORTENSE
Dramatic division ACT
Earth-friendly, in combinations ECO
Eat like a bird PECK
Empty room phenomena ECHOES
Entertainment that includes prominent figures ICESHOW
Examines carefully SIFTS
Fam nickname SIS
Fell upon ASSAILED
Female fiend DEMONESS
Fish-bull go-between RAM
Fishing gear RODS
Foil, e.g SWORD
Fragrant blooms LILACS
From ___ Z ATO
Gather AMASS
George Lucas’s Wicket and Paploo, e.g EWOKS
Goes downhill SLEDS
Govt. mtge. insurer FHA
Hams it up EMOTES
Harrison who walked on the moon in 1972 SCHMITT
He’s featured on Mary J.’s “Love Yourself” KANYE
Hollow rock GEODE
Impudent aboard an ocean cruise? FRESHONTHEBOAT
It may be triggered by a decloaking warbird REDALERT
Jockey competitor HANES
Kafka protagonist SAMSA
Kimono closer OBI
Lampshade, at times PARTYHAT
Lean and muscular SINEWY
Clues Answers
Like some apple juice FILTERED
Lines of praise ODE
Listening devices EARS
Little brothers, often PESTS
Lymphocyte producers SPLEENS
Makeup, of a sort RETEST
Man from Moscow, say IDAHOAN
Manatee Springs State Pk. setting FLA
Mason’s wedge SHIM
Massage targets ACHES
Mastery SKILL
Mauna ___ LOA
Maximum UTMOST
Metallica drummer Ulrich LARS
Miss the mark ERR
Monitor component LCD
Name: Suffix ONYM
Narrow-waisted stingers WASPS
Neither Dem. nor Rep IND
Newsletter ornamentation CLIPART
One in a black suit SPADE
Online chortle LOL
Oompa follower LOOMPA
Operating instruction for a witch’s broom? FLYONTHEHANDLE
P look-alike RHO
Parentheses, essentially ARCS
Peanut, e.g LEGUME
Perfect places EDENS
Perfume Pagoda setting HANOI
Position STEAD
Postpone production of a TV commercial? PUTOFFTHESPOT
Prefix with dollars PETRO
Prepare for the fair, maybe FATTEN
Pub perch STOOL
Really shining in a full-court defensive scheme? HOTONTHEPRESS
Ref’s ruling TKO
Retinue TRAIN
Roundtable FORUM
Settle down for the night ROOST
Soda brand since 1924 NEHI
Some are colorful PASTS
Some Thomas Hart Benton works MURALS
Sporty auto roofs TTOPS
Squeezed (out) EKED
Stage platform RISER
Strike caller UMP
Swallow ACCEPT
Take back RETRACT
Tango requirement TWO
They’re boring SNORES
Thinly spread SPARSE
Tick off MIFF
Tiniest bit DROP
To be, in Paris ETRE
Tolkien’s shepherds of the trees ENTS
Tread heavily CLOMP
Treats for Rover ORTS
Trickster ELF
Turkey club? NATO
Wear down ERODE
Wearer of une couronne ROI
Went like the dickens TORE
Wet bar? SOAP
When you’ll be there, briefly ETA
Winter wrap SHAWL
Wrinkle remover IRON
Write PEN
Zero NIL
Zest source LEMON