The Times - Concise - Times Concise No 8538

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Clues Answers
(Of a place) poor, lacking amenities one-horse
Brass players TROMBONISTS
Chief; pipe MAIN
Cooked with hot spices CURRIED
Death notice OBITUARY
Eg, swede or turnip root crop
Example of mosaic work TESSELLATION
Former Italian currency LIRA
Having good intentions well-meaning
Help, benefit AVAIL
Involving careful consideration deliberative
Clues Answers
Less well ILLER
Male deer ROEBUCK
Mess, confusion mix-up
Passionate desire LUST
Paste for fixing glass PUTTY
Piece of money COIN
Sleeveless jacket JERKIN
Steal (cattle) RUSTLE
Type of vermicelli-like pasta FEDELINI
Very small quantity SOUPCON