The Sun - Two Speed - Feb 17 2021

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Clues Answers
Amazing sale with EP in dreamland? ASLEEP
Artist captures alien in part one needs to see! RETINA
Artist in wet weather RAIN
Become known EMERGE
Careful and persistent effort DILIGENCE
Chum PAL
Clergyman's dwelling PARSONAGE
Coach industry DILIGENCE
Dad mashed oranges in parish residence PARSONAGE
Design and build ENGINEER
Drunk male is loose-limbed LITHE
Electronic post EMAIL
Endlessly observe Frenchman being calm SERENE
Exercise system Goya reinvented YOGA
Exploding cigar? No, all natural! ORGANIC
Friend from Spalding PAL
Frozen water ICE
Grown without chemicals ORGANIC
Hindu discipline YOGA
Humankind PEOPLE
In slumber ASLEEP
Late afternoon EVENING
Lower rank includes English cricket side RELEGATE
Messages in echo Irishman sent over EMAIL
Ocular membrane RETINA
Clues Answers
Odd couple from Eire after motor mechanic ENGINEER
Old traitor finally made to give speech ORATE
Operatic piece ARIA
Place in Brighton for retired cricketers? PAVILION
Pope sorted out the Parisian folk PEOPLE
Poverty in Byzantine Eden NEED
Proverbially waveless lake MILLPOND
Record playing in calm calm water MILLPOND
Require NEED
Reserve shown in Punic engagement ICE
Send down RELEGATE
Servant is LA clubs guide LACKEY
Showery forecast RAIN
Some blasphemer gets to come out EMERGE
Some in Ur see harbour NURSE
Some variation in song ARIA
South African rook to eat fish SARDINE
Speak pompously ORATE
Summer house PAVILION
Supple LITHE
Tend to sick NURSE
Tranquil SERENE
Very unstable engine outside in dusk EVENING
Visualise one in game taken out IMAGINE
Young pilchard SARDINE