Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Feb 14 2021

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Clues Answers
"No" votes NAYS
"Oh, woe —!" ISME
"Please help!" SOS
"Three Sisters" sister OLGA
"Zip- — -Doo-Dah" ADEE
"— that special!" ISNT
1940s pres HST
1993 event at Mount Carmel Center WACOSTANDOFF
A cut from the short loin DELMONICOSTEAK
A la — (menu words) CARTE
Active person DOER
Actress Kelly or Shearer MOIRA
After a while ANON
Andean llamas GUANACOS
Apple device IPAD
Apr. and Dec MOS
Aquarium TANK
Aroma ODOR
Be mindful of HEED
Belfry sounds KNELLS
Big T-shirt size: Abbr LGE
Bill with Lincoln FIVE
Blissful ELYSIAN
Brief summary PRECIS
Call off CANCEL
Carl Sagan book COSMOS
Cherished "Mother" TERESA
Christmas trees, usually CONIFERS
Classic cookie OREO
Clothes, colloquially TOGS
Comic actor Danny KAYE
Cornell University city ITHACA
DeLuise of "Hot Stuff" DOM
Destiny FATE
Destructive habit VICE
Diagnostic pic XRAY
Dimple site CHIN
Donahue of TV PHIL
Ear swab QTIP
Emperor before Galba NERO
Ewe's call BAA
Farewells ADIEUS
Fill-up sites with star logos TEXACOSTATIONS
Foofaraw ADO
Friz Freleng's real first name ISADORE
Genesis garden EDEN
Gibbons, e.g APES
Gives off light SHINES
Go back to the way it was REVERT
Green with Grammys CEELO
Gucci of fashion ALDO
Hammond instruments ORGANS
Held on to KEPT
Henna applier DYER
Hot pot spot STOVE
Hush-hush govt. gp NSA
Ill-bred man CAD
In days past AGO
Jeer at SCORN
Job to do TASK
Joins in matrimony WEDS
Jordanian queen dowager NOOR
Kazan of film ELIA
Kosovo native SERB
Kyoto sash OBI
Large city in Colombia CALI
LGA guess ETA
Like a straight line, in brief ONED
Like some trading INSIDER
Little quarrel SPAT
Clues Answers
Log chopper AXE
Longtime metal alloy manufacturer ARMCOSTEEL
M.Sgt., e.g NCO
McKellen of "X-Men" IAN
Meadow songbird LARK
Mean-spirited sort CHURL
Milk-related LACTIC
Mimicked Daffy Duck LISPED
Mimicking an angry dog SNARLING
Mosul native IRAQI
Movie or play SHOW
Nephew's sister NIECE
Net-tending player GOALIE
Nothing at all NIL
One of 18 on a golf course TEE
One of 18 on a golf course HOLE
One's wifey THEMRS
Opening in a parka, say COATPOCKET
Oscar winner Brody ADRIEN
Pebble, e.g ROCK
Play roster CAST
Playwright Fugard ATHOL
Potential plant SEED
Potting stuff SOIL
Prefix with dynamic AERO
Pulitzer winner Ferber EDNA
Put stress on ACCENT
Puts in ENTERS
Quantity: Abbr AMT
Raines of old Hollywood ELLA
Read hastily SCAN
Region AREA
Roman censor CATO
Search for SEEK
See 1-Down EPHRON
Simile middle ASA
Single-pot meal STEW
Slushy drink ICEE
Some chair craftspeople CANERS
Something Plus White toothpaste claims to remove TOBACCOSTAIN
Spill the info, with "up" FESS
Sports side TEAM
Sports site ARENA
Spring forth EMERGE
Sprung forth ARISEN
Suddenly blazing star NOVA
Suffix with Israel ITE
Suffix with prophet ESS
Superior to OVER
Supreme Norse deity ODIN
Tennis' Arthur ASHE
They're in eight answers in this puzzle HIDDENCOSTS
Thingamajig GADGET
Tighten up a muscle FLEX
Tile artwork MOSAIC
Trail PATH
TV journalist Chung CONNIE
Under wraps SECRET
University in northern California CHICOSTATE
Unlike righties LEFTHANDED
Used a rotary telephone DIALED
Venue of the 2002 Humanitarian Bowl BRONCOSTADIUM
Verdi heroine AIDA
Very ornate designs of the 1700s ROCOCOSTYLE
Vocalists SINGERS
Volcano in Sicily ETNA
Water, humorously ADAMSALE
Window unit PANE
With 11-Down, "Sleepless in Seattle" director NORA
Work to get EARN
Works the rudder STEERS