The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 29,555 - Dec 24 2020

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Clues Answers
... check arresting a border leader CALIPH
Almost suspect nut makes some money DOUBLOON
Charged vote for costly cut ELECTRIC
Dye from one doing pants INDIGO
Each male getting hairdo PERM
Eccentric US president having tirade about Republican ABERRANT
Everybody, say, on European border ... ALLEGE
Express carries publicity for follower SHADOW
Famous fabulous Beetle car, Disney's first CELEBRATED
Fat boy eating last of dinner LARD
Follow line purchasing Queen follow-up SEQUEL
Gambler giving raise BETTER
Loads or tons, say, initially LOTS
Loneliness being isolated on ground DESOLATION
Clues Answers
Offended and demonstrated accepting fine PROVOKED
Old man can start to appreciate film PATINA
Ordinary gathering using speech ORALLY
Racket as raincoat's lifted SCAM
Relations with pleasant son involving sweetheart NIECES
Sob sadly over story about Conservative interference OBSTACLE
Stallholder possibly more vulgar, we hear GROCER
Stay that is missing from corset? LINGER
Submarine inside founders easily UNDERSEA
Suggestion of lover to necessitate blankets OVERTONE
Talk about one's holidays? TRAVELOGUE
The answer isn't this stupid! CLUELESS
Trauma is no different for hospital SANATORIUM
Wood from tree stump LUMBER