Universal - Apr 4 2010

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Clues Answers
"Back Street" novelist Fannie HURST
"Before ___ you go ..." ILET
"Gandhi" or "Cleopatra," e.g. EPIC
"Gonna ___ with a little help from my friends" TRY
"Hitch" star Mendes EVA
"I double dog ___ you!" DARE
"Memoirs of a ___" GEISHA
"That's the ticket!" preceder YEAH
"Two and a Half Men" star SHEEN
11-Down is part of it HEART
A la Felix Unger NEATLY
Abrasive material EMERY
Absorbed the cost, slangily ATEIT
Acquire GET
Actor Guinness ALEC
Agents 86 and 99, in "Get Smart" SPIES
Alpine elevator TBAR
Alter, as a film EDIT
Astronaut's beverage TANG
Australia's national gemstone OPAL
Bad day for Caesar IDES
Become fatigued TIRE
Beret's cousin TAM
Betamax insert TAPE
Between the sheets ABED
Bit of this, bit of that OLIO
Bonny belle LASS
Bowling challenge SPLIT
Buckeye State dweller OHIOAN
Budget flight accommodation ECONOMYCLASS
Cajun cuisine staple OKRA
Camera attachment LENS
Campaign event DEBATE
Capt.'s subordinate ENS
Celebrity skewering ROAST
Certain jump at the Winter Olympics AXEL
Come next ENSUE
Comes into possession of GETS
Compos mentis SANE
Confront boldly ACCOST
Coy ending? OTE
Cream-filled pastry ECLAIR
Delivery org. USPS
Diva's big moment ARIA
Doing a Chubby Checker dance TWISTING
Drained of blood ASHEN
Driven obliquely, as a nail TOED
Duplicator APER
Electrical rush SURGE
Engaged in litigation SUED
European tongue ERSE
Find a new table for RESEAT
Fish with scarlet fins OPAH
Fix firmly in place EMBED
Food storage area LARDER
Fourth little piggy's share NONE
Fourth of July, for example DATE
Galileo's muse URANIA
Gaucho's grasslands LLANOS
Get it wrong ERR
Good customer's reward DISCOUNTRATE
Gradually break from a habit WEAN
Greek letter RHO
Head residents? LICE
Helga's "horrible" hubby HAGAR
High, wispy clouds CIRRI
Home of logs CABIN
Horsemanship school MANEGE
Hourly clock sound CHIME
Iditarod cry MUSH
In and of itself PERSE
In good health HALE
Indian metropolis DELHI
Involve in intrigue ENTANGLE
Isn't quite perpendicular LEANS
Clues Answers
It's big in Sicily ETNA
It's closer than that THIS
Kitchen guru CHEF
Letter after 32-Down OMEGA
Long-horned wild goat IBEX
Low-level laborers PEONS
Marine eagle ERNE
Mauna ___ (inactive volcano) KEA
Mayflower Compact signer John ALDEN
Mellowed AGED
Money to burn WEALTH
Moorage parallel to the shore QUAY
Music, to a detractor NOISE
Musical that won a Pulitzer RENT
Musician's pause REST
Neuron part AXON
Newspapers, radio, etc. MEDIA
Not yet nourished UNFED
Noted Verdi composition ERITU
Nothing to write home about ADEQUATE
Number of a magazine ISSUE
Outward appearances MIENS
Patron saint of Norway OLAF
Personal sketch BIO
Place for a necklace clasp NAPE
Place for deals, sometimes DEPARTMENTSTORE
Place for deals, sometimes CLEARANCECENTER
Place for deals, sometimes WAREHOUSEOUTLET
Planned setting SITE
Prefix with "space" AERO
Present, as a problem POSE
Ready to serve DONE
Received GOTTEN
Reverberate ECHO
Rock-bottom prices LOWS
Ruby hue RED
Run in long strides LOPE
Russian ballet company renamed in 1991 KIROV
Salmon eggs ROE
Scott who wrote "Island of the Blue Dolphins" ODELL
Sharp border EDGE
Ship personification SHE
Shipmate's reply AYE
Sick ILL
Smooches KISSES
Some big-budget films EPICS
Some marbles AGATES
Spoonbill's relative IBIS
Start of something big, usually IDEA
Steel oneself (for) BRACE
Stir up AROUSE
Talon CLAW
The Almighty GOD
The Grateful ___ DEAD
They're not standard ADDONS
Translucent toothpaste GEL
Trident-shaped Greek letter PSI
Turgenev heroine ELENA
Two out of sixty-six? EXES
Type of sofa DIVAN
Undercover agent of a sort NARC
Very inexpensive BARGAINBASEMENT
Viennese center? ENS
View in an angiogram AORTA
View voicer OPINER
Weekday abbr. MON
Wet woodlands plant LADYFERN
Whip-wielder LaRue LASH
Wind up on stage? OBOE
Xmas time DEC
___ Beach, S.C. MYRTLE
___ up (prepared to play golf) TEED