USA Today - Jan 30 2021

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
'As if!' PFFT
'Just the Way You ___' ARE
'On' button POWER
'Practical Magic' spells HEXES
'Still I ___' (Maya Angelou poem) RISE
'That's mine!' GIMME
'That's ___!' (director's cry) AWRAP
'This meeting could have been an ___' EMAIL
'___ in D' (Pachelbel piece) CANON
'___ of your business!' NONE
'___ You'll Get Better' (Taylor Swift song with The Chicks) SOON
A bit cracked AJAR
Actor Rickman ALAN
Airplane passenger's request AISLE
Apple tablet IPAD
Australian boot brand UGG
Bergman of 'Casablanca' INGRID
Big rig SEMI
Bird on the flag of Egypt EAGLE
Brainstorming result IDEA
Country on Lake Victoria UGANDA
Cove or estuary INLET
Crop covered by a husk CORN
Decree EDICT
Derby Day event RACE
Dwindle WANE
Exchange for money REDEEM
French word before a birth name NEE
Fringe EDGE
Garb for blending in CAMO
Gender-neutral possessive THEIR
Greasy spoon DINER
Hanukkah mo., often DEC
Home observed by a birder NEST
Joint with a cap KNEE
Like Simone Biles AGILE
Like sour candies TART
Mystery or romance, e.g GENRE
Non-native flora or fauna EXOTICSPECIES
Clues Answers
Not an exact amount (Abbr.) EST
Object thrown at the Olympics DISCUS
Oblong pastry ECLAIR
Occurrence in many sci-fi stories ALIENINVASION
Palindromic joke GAG
Park or Fifth, in NYC (Abbr.) AVE
Pear variety ANJOU
Period before Christmas ADVENT
Picnic racer's gear SACK
Possible result of a chess game DRAW
Praline morsel NUT
Prepare for publication EDIT
Red 'Inside Out' character ANGER
Rule the ___ (be in charge) ROOST
Rx oversight org FDA
Sequoia, for one TREE
Ship protected by the goddess Hera ARGO
Shrek or Fiona, e.g OGRE
Singer Janis IAN
Smidge IOTA
Some black-tie events GALAS
Some travelers may learn one FOREIGNLANGUAGE
Spotted SEEN
Summit APEX
Swimming event MEET
The Jets and the Sharks, e.g GANGS
To no ___ (without success) AVAIL
Took a Bumble match offline MET
Total up ADD
Trig calculation ANGLE
Use a keyboard TYPE
Web or dash follower CAM
Weights, so to speak IRON
Women's History mo MAR
Word repeated before 'gumdrop' GOODY
X or Y on a graph AXIS
Youngest Bronte ANNE