Wall Street Journal - Dec 3 2020 - Sea Changes

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Clues Answers
“Ageless Body, Timeless Mind” author CHOPRA
“Giant brain” completed in 1945 ENIAC
“Happy Motoring!” brand ESSO
“That’s terrible!” ACK
“Your bran is strictly brand X,” maybe? OATCRACK
Adler who called Sherlock Holmes “formidable” IRENE
African wallower HIPPO
AP competitor UPI
Bank acct. addition INT
Baylor in the Basketball Hall of Fame ELGIN
Bold way to solve ININK
Booty TUSH
Bow in early movies CLARA
Brit. bigwigs PMS
Britten creation OPERA
Britten creation ARIA
Brunch cocktail KIR
Bus driver for Lisa and Milhouse OTTO
Census Bureau’s cabinet dept COMM
Cheek SASS
City between Austin and Dallas WACO
Class for coasters EASYA
Company whose logo is a trio of interlocking tuning forks YAMAHA
Conducting need BATON
Confident words at the table IRAISE
Deer stalker PUMA
Dirk DeJong’s nickname in a Pulitzer-winning 1924 novel SOBIG
Falls away EBBS
Field grippers CLEATS
Fills fully SATES
Follower of Romeo SIERRA
Fourth qtr. start OCT
Got together MET
High areas MESAS
Is triggered by BEGINSUPON
It divides 5-Down URAL
It might include a Rose Garden photo op STATEVISIT
Clues Answers
Le Mystère buy BRA
Lorry part TYRE
Magic, on sports tickers ORL
Mannerly men GENTS
Mattress annoyances LUMPS
Memory trigger, sometimes ODOR
More conservative SAFER
Most common element on Earth by mass IRON
Paramour decides it’s time to split? LOVERCLEAVES
Part of a roughly-made mattress? RUDECOIL
Pelvic projection HIP
Proceed cautiously INCH
Putting target HOLE
Québec shares borders with quatre of them ETATS
Region divided by 15-Across EURASIA
Seller of Ektorp sofas IKEA
Shake addition MALT
Should that be the case IFSO
Somewhat, in scores POCO
Spare part? PIN
Straight HETERO
Strong heart ACE
Strongbox crafted from pale hardwood? ASHCOFFER
Supreme leader ROSS
Tag number PRICE
Take turns SPIN
Team of eccentrics who are behind in the game? LOSINGCRANKS
Therapy period: Abbr SESS
Time sheet nos HRS
Top story ATTIC
Tough and lean WIRY
Uptown direction in NYC NNE
Van Gogh subject IRISES
Vehicle on runners SLEDGE
Winged archer EROS
Witchy woman CRONE