The Telegraph - CRYPTIC CROSSWORD NO: 29,523 - Nov 17 2020

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Clues Answers
American, quiet and keen, is given the job APPOINTED
Assistant back in bed, I assume AIDE
Celebrity to begin but not finish STAR
Comment with reference to book in the bible REMARK
Company vehicle AGENCY
Daughter in cave and bats moved closer ADVANCED
Demanding favourite drink PARTICULAR
Discuss lifting the sack with a little time and energy DEBATE
Dough -- and what it might become BREAD
Drives crazy, decrepit cars? Not at first ANGERS
Fashion models prevent Romeo departing events Developments
Going in jeans, then? Not oddly something a bride will put on ENTERING
Identify Corgi seen barking RECOGNISE
In gear? DRESSED
Laugh from boat on lake? On the contrary LARK
Clues Answers
Machinery moving the only cog TECHNOLOGY
Normally in library -- do without book for a change ORDINARILY
One knows the score? CONDUCTOR
Proof I've picked up study on the church EVIDENCE
Pull out cleaver, cutting off both ends LEAVE
River with small rushes DARTS
Rock singer repelled servant on first of December DIAMOND
Running newspaper, say, is a flipping fool, grasping nothing ORGANISATION
Select rice, keeping stirring ELECTRIC
Son attempts to grab king's socks STRIKES
Stand in for Royal Engineers and be outside base RELIEVE
Touched heads NUTS
Train doctor poorly DRILL
Turn and check part of car WINDSCREEN
Wrong criminal I corner in front of court INCORRECT