Wall Street Journal - Nov 10 2020 - Here’s to Ya!

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Clues Answers
“The Good Doctor” broadcaster ABC
*Cold War barrier IRONCURTAIN
*Housetop with dual slopes GABLEROOF
*Traditional final leg of the Triple Crown BELMONTSTAKES
*Where spirits are mixed COCKTAILBAR
Action camera brand GOPRO
Add charm to ADORN
Atlas areas SEAS
Barbecuing need SAUCE
Build up, as interest ACCRUE
Bursa, e.g SAC
Catch sight of ESPY
Certain util ELEC
Chapel recess APSE
Chapter in history ERA
Chapter in history AGE
CNN anchor Cabrera ANA
Come out even TIE
Come out with SAY
Conductor’s tool BATON
Contradict BELIE
Crackerjack AONE
Crude oil, informally BLACKGOLD
Dealing with the situation ONIT
Delicately scented flower TEAROSE
Disobedient BAD
Doesn’t appear in the lineup SITS
Enjoy the rink SKATE
Established procedure USAGE
Expected DUE
Fastball, in baseball slang HEATER
Fertile soils LOAMS
Flashin’ Fruit Punch brand HIC
Former Volvo rival SAAB
Garlicky dish SCAMPI
Got together MET
Horus’s mother ISIS
Clues Answers
Little rascal IMP
Marshall Mathers’s performing name EMINEM
Mean mongrel CUR
Mexican matron SENORA
Minecraft, e.g PCGAME
Miss the mark ERR
Mouse-sighting cry EEK
Move, in real estate jargon RELO
Neighbor of Homer and Marge NED
Nervous habit TIC
Noble acts DEEDS
Not quite ready for release INBETA
Observes Yom Kippur ATONES
Office worker’s depression? KEYSTROKE
Opening day squad ATEAM
Oscar winner Stone EMMA
Osso ___ BUCO
Playwright Strindberg AUGUST
Pole features ICECAPS
Polynesian dance HULA
Quaint cry of surprise EGAD
Refrain bit LALA
Second drafts, casually REDOS
Slimy stuff GOO
Sousaphone kin TUBA
Sprightly AGILE
Start of a choosing rhyme EENIE
Thin pancakes CREPES
Thor’s father ODIN
Three-time Masters champ Mickelson PHIL
Traveled by horseback RODE
Trivial entertainment PAP
Tuna catcher NET
UFO occupants ETS
Village on the Hudson NYACK
Words before a toast, and what you can do to the ends of the starred answers RAISEEMUP
Wrestler/actor John CENA
Yes or no follow-up SIRREE