- Mar 17 2010

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Clues Answers
''Fat chance!'' ASIF
''Satellite'' service RADIO
''Toodle-oo!'' BYEBYE
39 Down of film, familiarly KONG
A Gabor sister ZSAZSA
African snakes ASPS
Agent Scully of ''The X-Files'' DANA
Allegro con __ BRIO
Barack Obama Sr.'s homeland KENYA
Barcelona bull TORO
Bard's ''before'' ERE
Berate loudly YELLAT
BMW alternative AUDI
Boxing blows JABS
Ceylon, today SRILANKA
Chicago suburb SKOKIE
Chip away at ERODE
Composer Gershwin GEORGE
Deliver a keynote, say SPEAK
Dickens girl NELL
Digital music player IPOD
Double's job STUNT
Driver's navigation aid, for short GPS
EMT's skill CPR
Fireplace tool TONGS
Florida Keys, for example ISLES
Folk singer Guthrie ARLO
Frisbees or checkers DISCS
Fritter away time IDLE
Frozen treats ICES
Give the slip to EVADE
Hemingway, to friends ERNIE
Iditarod vehicles SLEDS
Iowa State's locale AMES
Ivan the Terrible, et al. CZARS
Judging, with ''up'' SIZING
Jumbo, as T-shirts XXL
Koala home TREE
Clues Answers
Lacking company ALONE
Let up on EASED
Like a beer head FOAMY
Like Rambo movies GORY
Like urban real estate ZONED
Mess maker SLOB
Muscle woe ACHE
NBC sketch show SNL
Nonfactor at domed stadiums RAIN
On the house FREE
One in charge, informally PREZ
Picnic drinks SODAS
Place to find chalk BILLIARDSPARLOR
Place to find chalk SCHOOLROOM
Place to find chalk TAILORSHOP
Plod through mud SLOG
Poker declaration IMIN
Politico Bayh EVAN
Prefix for natal NEO
Puts a hex on JINXES
Radium discoverer CURIE
Reclined LAIN
Same-old same-old USUAL
Sandal, for one SHOE
Sandwich bread RYE
Sixth Greek letter ZETA
Some chesspieces ROOKS
Tailless primate APE
Tennis official UMP
Thing to do TASK
Time long past YORE
TV toon Flintstone FRED
Vampire-chronicling author ANNERICE
Visa competitor, familiarly AMEX
Wardrobe malfunctions RIPS
West German capital BONN
When shadows are shortest NOON
Woody Allen film of '83 ZELIG