- Oct 24 2020

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Clues Answers
#21 of AFI's male Screen Legends KEATON
''Enough of that!'' HEYWATCHIT
''Enough of that!'' CMON
''Power to the pro'' computer IMAC
''Ratatouille'' glutton EMILE
''Silas Marner'' exclamation PSHAW
''Sorry, that's __'' ANO
''Whatevs'' MEH
''World's __ Comics'' (where Luthor and the Joker teamed up) FINEST
59 Across major user, once MCI
Address properly SEETO
Alaskan iconography TOTEMS
Alsace/Lorraine separator SAAR
Another time, unfortunately YETAGAIN
Archaeo- antonym NEO
Beret balancers TETES
Big splash ECLAT
Brooklyn Brown and Fuller's London Pride ALES
Bryce Canyon local UTAHAN
Camper's night light EMBER
Capital due north of Bryce Canyon HELENA
Cellphone alert subject SCAM
Certain Y volunteers REFS
Chase-scene sound effect SCREECH
Correct what's wrong ATONE
Correct with kindness REPROVE
Fabled ready-for-winter creature ANT
Gathered intelligence, in a way SAW
Guy making author's alterations SAL
Hairpin stealing, circa 1885 CRAZE
Harsh word in a performance review INEPT
Instigate SETON
It's done DEED
Clues Answers
It's stalked in the kitchen STEAMEDCELERY
Low-altitude airborne pollutant PASSIVESMOKE
Met Museum's gift shop's __ Collection ERTE
One often stuck in traffic CONE
Only one? ELL
Oxymoronic appliance HOTWATERHEATER
Parallel line part ASA
Pontiac clubber's pride GTO
Power move VETO
Professional position TENET
Propeller in the water LEGKICK
Quaint, quaintly OLE
Rattle FAZE
Recruiter's concern GPA
Reduced-fare programs DIETS
Shade derived from ''tan'' TAWNY
Site of Egypt's Nubian Museum ASWAN
Sports score symbolized by a vowel EVENPAR
Stopped working WENT
Supremely beastly EVILEST
They fall close to the ground HAREMPANTS
They have big food bills STORKS
They're heavenly EDENS
Thousand-yr. domain HRE
Time's role in the book business YELLOWER
Toon from West Bengal APU
Transatlantic crossing completed in 1956 TELEPHONECABLE
Urban residential legislation RENTACT
Urban survival skill STREETSMARTS
Viking Age versifier SKALD
What a bulb may become LILY
What Huck calls his dad PAP
Witness protection programmers FEDS
__ hour PER