The Guardian - Cryptic crossword No 28,269 - Oct 20 2020

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Clues Answers
'King George', a soft old man's tipple GRAPPA
'Ratio of a right angle bearing' — jargon! SECANT
'Rotting food swindle' admits épicier, finally, in the middle of Paris CARRION
A consummate example — end of argument! THELAST
Advantage of wife leaving club EDGE
Como is too wet in the middle! MOIST
Conflict causes female to lose stone at first, getting lighter MISMATCH
Dwelling briefly on final answer RESULT
English writer makes US president (silly cow!) cross FORD
Ex-PM, having been given a roasting? BROWN
Fleeting romp turned into weeping TEMPORARY
Free entry of one into Grexit arrangement has advantage, initially EXGRATIA
Large asteroid sequence broadcast CERES
Legendary ruler giving away universal ring case for scarab, say ARTHROPOD
No builder's storeyed construct­ion should be by river DESTROYER
Clues Answers
No good entering antelope country ENGLAND
Peel, elected after resistance, died RIND
Publicity she wrongly associated with Brummie's sticker ADHESIVE
Regular join should include one? SOLDIER
See 15 HANDS
See 24 WORD
See 6 FORD
See 6 Madox
Suitable travel make-up GOOD
Support (very Parisian) inserted in wobbly bust BUTTRESS
Tabloid turned up with: 'Ron is terribly camp' GARRISON
They have nothing to do with Eric introducing elements of a deal? IDLE
Worn inside the woman's waders HERONS
Writer's pulse DAHL
You wouldn't expect this bend on trip WINDFALL