- Oct 18 2020

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''Alas, . . .'' SADLY
''And you __?'' ARE
''Dig in!'', in Italy MANGIA
''Dossier'' has one SILENTR
''Great'' growler DANE
''My fault'' ONME
''Poison'' plant SUMAC
''Semper Fidelis'' composer SOUSA
''__ that somethin'!'' AINT
Ability to amuse WIT
Accolades HONORS
Acronym of urgency ASAP
Airer of many league games ESPN
Allowed to use LENT
Amman's land JORDAN
An 81 Across predecessor LIRA
Astronomer's observation SKY
Bagpipe sound DRONE
Be a gadabout ROAM
Beside the sea COASTAL
Bestriding ATOP
Big bang BOOM
Billiards bounce CAROM
Bisected INTWO
Blockhead CLOD
Board a bus or train GETON
Books' backs SPINES
Cake sections LAYERS
Cereal morsel FLAKE
Cinderlike lava SLAG
Coal product COKE
Congressional consideration BILL
Constructive criticism INPUT
Cool-headed SOBER
Copied genetically CLONED
Coral chain ATOLL
Count of jazz BASIE
Cut the grass MOW
Cylindrical cheese EDAM
Damon of films MATT
Debate faction SIDE
Early multimedia star Rogers WILL
End results OUTCOMES
English horn cousin OBOE
Facial feature JOWL
Far from undernourished WELLFED
Feature of table d'hôte dining SETMENU
Feudal minions SERFS
Fine flooring material OAK
Folded food TACOS
Fowl foolers DECOYS
Fuss ADO
Gardener's purchase SEED
Garment lines HEMS
Garnish for roast lamb FRESHROSEMARY
Giant of industry CZAR
Give it a go TRY
Go along with OBEY
Grandson of Abraham ESAU
Had words SPOKE
Hair salon sound SNIP
Halloween Safety Mo OCT
Haunted house sound CREAK
Heir apparent, often ELDEST
Hold back STIFLE
Ice cream concoction SODA
Image in religious art HALO
In less time FASTER
In one's entire experience EVER
Intro deliverers MCS
It may be carrying CASE
Jacuzzi stream JET
Kennel client PET
Clues Answers
Lengua del Perú ESPANOL
Long-legged runners EMUS
Long-legged wader IBIS
Martial arts mercenaries NINJAS
Minor irritations RASHES
Money in Milan EURO
More prudent WISER
Moved in circles SWIRLED
Nasal appraisals ODORS
Night owl's dinner reservation request LATESTPOSSIBLE
Noble goal IDEAL
Noodles in noodle soup RAMEN
Offers, as a guess HAZARDS
One bench press, e.g REP
Org. promoting adoptions SPCA
Pairs DUOS
PFC superior NCO
Point in the right direction ORIENT
Point-of-view piece OPED
Progressive spokesperson FLO
Ration out ALLOCATE
Ready to retire SLEEPY
Remove a stripe, perhaps DEMOTE
Rival of Rolaids TUMS
Run out LAPSE
S&L customer ACCT
Seating levels TIERS
Share what you saw REPORT
Singular sensation LULU
So-so mark CEE
Something behind a locomotive CAR
Something retained in your brain MEMORY
Sounds in a stable NEIGHS
Spain's Costa __ Sol DEL
Specialty markets NICHES
Spice from nutmeg MACE
Squashed circle OVAL
Steakhouse order RIBEYE
Sultanate salutation SALAAM
Supportive partner ALLY
Sword-leafed flower IRIS
T-shirt tag choice SML
Takes on air INHALES
Thatcher's installation ROOF
Threesome TRIO
Thumb-and-pinkie signal CALLME
Title surgeon of primetime GREY
Tort class topic LIBEL
Tub trio of rhyme MEN
Turned into BECAME
Unabashed joy GLEE
Uncanceled collectibles MINTSTAMPS
Undue pressure DURESS
Unsure thing, for short SPEC
UPS driver's assignment RTE
Urge to action IMPEL
Use a crowbar on PRY
Victimized, with ''on'' PREYED
Vinegar, chemically ACID
Visited WENTTO
Web creator, to fans SPIDEY
What to call a clipper SHE
What's happening now CURRENTAFFAIRS
What's spoken in the Knesset MODERNHEBREW
Where Prince William studied ETON
Workplace rookie RECENTHIRE
Workstations DESKS
World Series collectible UNUSEDTICKET
Woven string CORD
Writing remover ERASER
Zoological suffix ESS
__ Alamos, NM LOS
__-deucy ACEY