Premier Sunday - King Feature Syndicate - Oct 11 2020

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Clues Answers
"Akeelah and the Bee" star Palmer KEKE
"Babes in Toyland," e.g OPERETTA
"Fake-Out" co-star Zadora PIA
"Help us!" SOS
"Just — expected!" ASI
"Milk" director Van Sant GUS
"No Exit" playwright SARTRE
"Sure, sure!" IBET
"The Adventures of —" (2011 Spielberg film) TINTIN
"Wicked Game" singer Chris ISAAK
"Yes" vote AYE
"— a Letter to My Love" ISENT
"— bleu!" SACRE
"— girl!" ITSA
"—: Battle Angel" (2019 action film) ALITA
$1,000 bills, informally GNOTES
'16 Olympics host city RIO
100%, in Germany ALLE
Achy feeling SORENESS
Ad — HOC
An earth sci GEOL
Apt name for a chef? STU
As straight as — (totally honest) ADIE
August sign LEO
Base before home THIRD
Bellhops' burdens SUITCASES
Besides that ELSE
Big name in tight trunks SPEEDO
Birds for Yuletide dinners CHRISTMASTURKEYS
Body of water LAKE
Body of water SEA
Bog plant SEDGE
Brit's bar PUB
British verb suffix ISE
Broody rock genre EMO
Carsick feeling NAUSEA
Cereal grass OAT
Cereal grass RYE
Chicks awaiting meals have them HUNGRYMOUTHS
Cinch — (Hefty brand) SAK
City in India AGRA
City in Iraq MOSUL
Color-sensitive retina part CONECELL
Conks on the head BOPS
Cuddly crib toys TEDDYBEARS
Cultivate to excess OVERCROP
Currently NOWADAYS
Debt slip IOU
Deep hole PIT
Each and — EVERY
Elect (to) OPT
Exhaust SAP
Expunge ERASE
Fact about 12 long answers in this puzzle THEYCANBESTUFFED
Feels ill AILS
Female giant of myth TITANESS
Forces out OUSTS
Fr. woman with a halo STE
From Florence, e.g TUSCAN
Fuss ADO
Garnishes for martinis COCKTAILOLIVES
Geller of psychic acts URI
Give it a go TRY
Grab a chair SIT
Grilled corned beef sandwiches REUBENS
Guessing game for kids ISPY
Hard or soft Tex-Mex items TACOSHELLS
Hi-tech organizer PDA
Hopalong Cassidy portrayer William BOYD
Hotel stock BEDS
Irritate IRK
Israel's Barak EHUD
Israeli native SABRA
Clues Answers
It flows in la Loire EAU
Jellied fish EEL
Larry and Curly's pal MOE
Less perilous SAFER
Letter holders ENVELOPES
Lies next to ABUTS
Lips off to SASSES
Looked at EYED
Losing row in tic-tac-toe XOO
Make level TRUEUP
Measures of acidity PHS
Navy inits USS
Night hooter OWL
Nonbeliever in God ATHEIST
Numerous ALOTOF
Oahu gift LEI
Of no avail UNUSABLE
On the go BUSY
Overturn UPEND
Pale-faced ASHEN
Papeete native TAHITIAN
Parts of respiratory systems NASALPASSAGES
Pen choice BIC
People prettifying ADORNERS
Polling place containers BALLOTBOXES
Pooch's bark ARF
Post office scale unit OUNCE
Put into a snug spot TUCK
Rakish guy LECHER
Recede EBB
Record half with the hit, usually SIDEA
Russian ballet company KIROV
Sewing kit accessories PINCUSHIONS
Shopkeeper Oleson on "Little House on the Prairie" NELS
Singer Horne LENA
Sleep phase REM
Socko review RAVE
Some antique autos REOS
Some Pac-12 players UTES
Song and dance ARTS
Speller's clarifying words ASIN
Sporty car roof feature TTOP
Sturdy tree OAK
Suffix with towel ETTE
Tale tweaker LIAR
That chap HIM
Thin-toned TINNY
Things hanging from rims BASKETBALLNETS
Ticks away PASSESBY
Tree homes NESTS
Turned into BECAME
U.S. tax org IRS
Unit of work ERG
Unpretty UGLY
URL starter HTTP
Vegetable pizza toppings GREENPEPPERS
Vie for the affection of WOO
War vet's affliction, for short PTSD
Website for craft vendors ETSY
Weep audibly SOB
What "U" may mean YOU
What "X" may mean TEN
White rat, say ALBINO
White sheet? SNOW
White — sheet ASA
Winery cask TUN
Yalies ELIS
Year, in Portuguese ANO
Zac of "The Lorax" EFRON
Zeno of — (Greek philosopher) ELEA
Zipcar owner AVIS
— B'rith BNAI
— Ridge (1972 Kentucky Derby winner) RIVA