- Sep 10 2020

Tired of your current crossword puzzle? Try solving our daily crossword puzzles. GO TO DAILY PUZZLES!
Clues Answers
''__ no use!'' ITS
10 Down topping TABASCO
Alone on the ballot UNOPPOSED
Altar exchanges IDOS
Arcing tennis shot LOB
Asian wasteland GOBI
Bard boy in the NATO alphabet ROMEO
Beatles' former record label EMI
Big meanie OGRE
Brontë heroine EYRE
Buffet serving shells TACOBAR
Call from the pasture MOO
Cell phone pouch HOLSTER
Certain snow structure FORT
Cheer (for) ROOT
Collar attachment IDTAG
Country music record label MCA
Detective film genre NOIR
Diplomatic representative ENVOY
Eccentricity TIC
Elementary school class ART
Encouraging word ATTAGIRL
Epicure's condiments SEASALTS
First-century despot NERO
Fuzzy wear SUEDE
Gave the nod OKED
Getting just right ACING
Give credit to CITE
Gumbo veggie OKRA
Habitat for herons MARSH
Hand (out) METE
Heart, in France COEUR
Hit the ground, then burst GOSPLAT
It flows through Idaho Falls SNAKERIVER
Line of rotation AXIS
Listless feeling ENNUI
Made one's case PLED
Clues Answers
Malign in print LIBEL
Measure of work in physics ERG
Metaphor for a messy room STY
Most in need of a massage ACHIEST
Muse of poetry ERATO
Network connection NODE
Old-time anesthetic ETHER
Pack (down) TAMP
Pest in a swarm GNAT
Ready to try GAME
Reception aid on old TVs RABBITEARS
Restaurant ''garden'' serving BEER
Road rotators TIRES
Road surfaces TARS
Sandwich often deep-fried OREO
Scoreboard zeros GOOSEEGGS
Seeing things EYES
Simmers on the stove STEWS
Skater's leap AXEL
Slightly slanted ASKEW
Sort of sandwich MELT
Stand in good __ STEAD
Subdues TAMES
Supermodel from Somalia IMAN
Surveillance device CAM
T-shirt size SMALL
Take a stab at TRY
Takes time to process DIGESTS
Tenor delivery ARIA
The Seven __ (group including 8 Down) CAESARS
Tolkien trilogy, to fans LOTR
Upper-crust POSH
Very foolish ASININE
Watercraft implement OAR
What serenity starts with ESS
Why I'm not singing today FROGINMYTHROAT